That Time When Justin Trudeau Autographed a Neo-Nazi flag 🤣 – IOTW Report

That Time When Justin Trudeau Autographed a Neo-Nazi flag 🤣

Post Millennial: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unknowingly signed a neo-Nazi flag during a pitstop in Alberta in 2017, as the man had tucked in the flag to make it appear as though he was wearing a bandana.

The resurfaced story is being used to point out the tone the prime minister has taken with those seen in proximity to hateful symbols recently.

During a press conference on Monday, the prime minister condemned the actions of the freedom convoy protesters. After having already dismissed the group while on its way to Ottawa as a “fringe minority with unacceptable views,” Trudeau would go on to associate one unidentified man’s Nazi flag with the protest, conflating the protestors with racists. MORE

9 Comments on That Time When Justin Trudeau Autographed a Neo-Nazi flag 🤣

  1. And I’m the Guy with unacceptable views…

    I Never did black face.
    Never banged a student as their teacher.
    Never Groped a reporter.
    Never did Blackface.
    Never ignored a public health order. tee hee
    Never beat up an Indian.
    Never politically interfered in an RCMP Investigation.
    Never undermined an Attorney General (also Indian)
    Never hid from my job during a Flood in BC.
    Never hid from the electorate etc.
    Never played Mr. Dress up and appropriated another culture.
    Never pissed off India’s prime Minister.
    Never pissed of ChYnA to the point they Falsely arrested other Canadians.

    … and I’m not Prime Minister.

  2. Kcir – i can agree with most of those, except, I did go to a Halloween party shortly after the Clarence Thomas hearings in black face. I am not ashamed, and I will not apologize. It was a straightforward political commentary.


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