Priceless – Guy Calls Into Portland City Council Zoom Meeting Praising Mayor’s Soft On Crime Policies – IOTW Report

Priceless – Guy Calls Into Portland City Council Zoom Meeting Praising Mayor’s Soft On Crime Policies

This guy is legend…

15 Comments on Priceless – Guy Calls Into Portland City Council Zoom Meeting Praising Mayor’s Soft On Crime Policies

  1. And you can see at the end, it offends the dipwad mayor too! I mean like really, you want to like smoke all day and burn shit all night where else you gonna go? If you do like get like arrested and something like hell just tell them you’re antifa and poop! You’re out in twenty minutes! It’s awesome! And your car isn’t even towed! Awesome!

  2. I’m shocked that those government dicks could figure out it was a put on. Tax revolt. Avoid taxes any way you can. Stop paying these scum tax receivers. They are the treif of the parasite class


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