Poll Finds Biden “Worst Ever President” – IOTW Report

Poll Finds Biden “Worst Ever President”

Red State

In three questions, Rasmussen asked voters to assess Biden, former President Donald Trump, and former President Barack Obama. They were asked if each will be remembered as the best, worst, or just average.

Here’s what they found.


34% said one of the best ever.
33% said one of the worst ever.
30% said about average.


41% best ever.
43% worst ever.
12% about average.


15% best.
54% worst.
25% average.


23 Comments on Poll Finds Biden “Worst Ever President”

  1. Obama was a traitor and a fraud, but not as compromised or as dumb. Carter was just clueless as a president, though intelligent as a naval officer.

    Obama is finally not the worst president.

  2. There oughta be a separate category for fake preznits.

    And to say Stunad Pantshitter is worst than Obola is to be forgiving of the Great Usurper who still is of unknown origin, who created DEEP divisions in this nation, and who toiled tirelessly to ruin every Institution. He made it possible for Brandon to coast, and merely be the ugly face of evil. Obozo sowed many, many seeds of Satan. Damn him and Joey, but him more.

  3. Worst stolen Presidency ever. Imagine being a part of a cabal that steals the American Presidency and then you’re SO BAD at it that you’re called the Worst.President.Ever. (I’m trying to imagine the opposite, but it doesn’t make sense unless Conservatives did it… but we wouldn’t.) The cabal must have known and be pleased, but the risk for them now is a complete BLOWUP in their faces and a backlash SO BIG that it produces an outcome they didn’t want.)

  4. This treachery from Biden has Obama written all over it.
    Obama is still running things, he has weekly tele conferences with Biden’s crew. Even Jen had a slip of the lip catching herself saying Oba.. Biden
    Barry gave Iran billions in US and Foreign aid – Biden follows same.
    Barry gave weapons and arms to Iran – Biden gave the entire military base
    Barry gave palettes of money – Biden the same.
    Barry’s chastised Christians and Jews – Biden follows.
    Biden is a socialist blowhard being driven by an evil force.
    Barry threatened to cut off Aid to Israel, Biden cuts it off.
    Barry forces health insurance down your throat. Biden forces vaccines
    Don’t fool yourself, Obama is the worst, Biden is the dumbest.
    No matter, the Democrats are destroying our formerly great country

  5. Hold on a minute, Trump was anything but average. People either lovef him or hated him. There was no middle ground, he wasn’t a politician he was a businessman and didn’t fit with the political elite.
    I call bull on this poll.

  6. Don’t forget about Wilson. I think Joey would have to take Woodrow outside (according to his own rhetoric) and I would be interested to see the outcome. However, the current memory and knowledge of people wouldn’t recognize that far in the past.

    And yes Walter Johnson, Buchanan definitely deserves to be in the mix (see earlier in this comment)

  7. When Biden was installed, everyone made jokes that Jimmy Carter was no longer the worst president in history.

    Reality set in and it’s not so funny anymore is it?


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