Joe Rogan Agrees To Only Spread CDC-Approved Misinformation – IOTW Report

Joe Rogan Agrees To Only Spread CDC-Approved Misinformation

Babylon Bee-

AUSTIN, TX—The world’s most popular podcaster and elk meat enthusiast Joe Rogan has agreed to stop spreading unapproved misinformation and only share misinformation that has been approved by the CDC first, sources confirmed this week.

“Look, I’ve made some mistakes,” he said sheepishly in a video posted to social media Friday. “I haven’t always thought about how platforming guests who spread misinformation that hasn’t been approved by the government can be damaging to the narrative. Rather than sharing discussions that might promote misinformation that hasn’t hit the mainstream yet, our show will now only push misinformation that benefits our overlords.”

The statement brought some sought-after clarity to Rogan’s listeners, who were confused when Spotify began cracking down on misinformation but failed to remove thousands of shows that push misinformation that supports government propaganda.


35 Comments on Joe Rogan Agrees To Only Spread CDC-Approved Misinformation

  1. Last week I blasted the fuck out of Rogan for agreeing to a self-imposed fairness doctrine.
    I skewered the motherfucker for agreeing to a self-imposed fairness doctrine.
    I said he was an absolute dumb-fuck.

    It seems I was wrong.
    At least in a fairness doctrine both sides may actually get air time.

    No, this cock-sucker with oodles of “FUCK YOU” money doesn’t know the value of it.
    I said he had an average IQ and I was dead right.
    I actually liked Joe, that’s why this is such a painful issue.

    The meek shall inherit the earth… then give it away because they have no guts, no balls, no compass.

    Could have gone down in history as a hero.
    Instead he needs to fuck off and die.


  2. This type of shit just burnishes the reputation of the wonderful men that founded this nation.
    They risked everything.

    Yet this punk-ass rich bastard couldn’t take a tiny bit of criticism.
    So sad.
    Take your cancelled ass and money and just go the fuck away joe rogan!

  3. I thought this was a serious article until I saw Babylon Bee and then read the whole article.
    Lol. Using facebook and twitter fact checkers.
    I have actually only ever listened to clips of Rogan.

  4. BABYLON BEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Babylon Bee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BABYLON BEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Babylon Bee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BABYLON BEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Babylon Bee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yup… Rogan will be known as the Lawnchair Larry of podcasts, only he wuz actually successful at shooting out his own balloon!

    Go on, take the money and run
    Go on, take the money and run
    Go on, take the money and run
    Go on, take the money and run

  6. Joe Rogan learned nothing from Rush Limbaugh. Probably never listened to his show, Probably doesn’t know what happened when Rush had a TV show and will never learn the lessons Rush learned from that experience.

    Joe, like that Anonymous said, it may be Babylon Bee today, but soon, it will be reality, unless your learning curve is steep and your spine is strong.

  7. This kind of flipping means one of two things: they backed a truck load of money up to his door, OR, they showed him some pictures they happen to have if him. Either way he’s a loser

  8. Anonymous February 6, 2022 at 4:52 am

    If one wants misinformation it can be found they can easily find it all over the internet, on sites just like this.

    Despite all the bad news with the jab, people are still rolling their sleeves up and committing suicide. That’s what it’s called now, suicide.

  9. It’s comical to sit back and watch people’s heroes shoot themselves when their hero really screws up and shows their followers that they are nothing but turncoats. Truckers in Canada have shown me more men with balls than people sitting behind a microphone pretending to be something they aren’t. The left is doing a good job showing these characters just who they are to the public. Joe and Donald are 2 examples of blowing their cover.

  10. Joe Rogan Apologizes for Being Joe Rogan, Begs Woke Forgiveness
    February 5, 2022 | Sundance | 402 Comments

    This never ends well.

    Joe Rogan has self-flagellated while treading water in a pool of Alinsky piranhas.

    This never ends well.

    Apparently, the Lightbringer for all modern Alinsky tribal followers, Barack Obama, triggered the final thumbs down and threatened the financial mechanism that supported the embattled Mr. Rogan, Spotify Inc. {LINK}

    And just like that Joe Rogan is losing his followers. Get woke go broke.


  11. Unlike total frauds like Jimmy Kimmel, who had to self-castrate and throw his severed nuts on the alter of woke because he had no other choice, Rogan is already rich and powerful. So if he caves it is by choice.

    I’ve listened to Rogan more than probably anyone here. I love podcasts, but with Rogan, I listen depending on the guest. I’ve warned you guys before, Rogan is a lefty, a huge Bernie Sanders supporter, and a possessor of an addled brain due to prolific drug use.

    Lately, I’ve been tuning in to the Megyn Kelly podcasts, she is a much better interviewer and smarter than Rogan by a factor of 10.

  12. I guess I can still hope that the cults of personality that develop around charismatic individuals who are bright enough to recognize where the winds are blowing in the populist dissatisfaction with the direction the country is headed and EXPLOIT the message to their own advantage might no longer gain admiration among a critical mass of people who genuinely are Constitutional conservatives might be recognized for what they are and lose their attractiveness, but experience tells me not to hold my breath waiting.

  13. @ Rich Taylor FEBRUARY 6, 2022 AT 10:18 AM

    Todd Herman is who I listen to. There is a reason Rush Limbaugh personally chose Todd to fill in for him during his last days on this earth. The guy is solidly conservative. He is wet behind the ears with regard to taking his political message and spiritual message to others and it shows. But the guy is solid and I can forgive him his inexperienced presentation as he develops it.

    It is a bit clumsy in its presentation right now, but the insight and rock solid constitutional conservativism is organic in this cat.

  14. The Chinky-dink19 Misinformation Center is full of💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 !!!!

  15. I love the B-Bee too.
    Used to love Rogan as well.
    Everything I wrote above still stands.

    He is already caving.
    The left has him by the balls because he already started his apology tour.

    Spotify has already removed MORE THAN 100 OF HIS EPISODES!
    Spotify has already removed MORE THAN 100 OF HIS EPISODES!
    Spotify has already removed MORE THAN 100 OF HIS EPISODES!

    Is Joe cool with that?
    Looks that way.
    Sorry, Joe is a tool.

    Folks say we shouldn’t rely on these types to be heroes for the cause.
    Thing is, only a few have enough dough to survive an attempted cancellation.
    He does.


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