Researchers Announce Breakthrough Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer – IOTW Report

Researchers Announce Breakthrough Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer

medical express

Pancreatic carcinoma is a tumor with an extremely poor prognosis for which effective treatments have not yet been found. In a preclinical animal model with mice, a team of researchers has now discovered a way of making pancreatic tumors treatable with immunotherapy methods using a targeted combination of two cancer drugs. The researchers believe that the promising combined approach could also prove effective with other cancer types. More

As those of you who have been affected by pancreatic cancer know, it’s a stone cold killer. – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on Researchers Announce Breakthrough Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer

  1. I wonder if Alex Trebeck and Steve Jobs are happy about this? Doubtful any cancer cure will be found. Like covid, cancer is a money maker for the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Too much is at stake to find a cure for cancer.

  2. Labelled “experimental” forever by FDA in US without one iota of research in 3… 2… 1…

    The last thing the fuckers running this country want is a cure for cancer. Much more money in “treatments”.

  3. My wife’s uncle died of this in ’90. Also had a very good friend of mine died of it. It is/was a stone-cold guarantee of meeting your Maker. This is good news if it pans out.

  4. We have every reason to be cynical of the medical research industry in this time of Covid, but I hope that this is the beginning of an answer to a disease which, when diagnosed, has always meant a certain, soon death.

  5. I just finished RFK Jr’s book on Fauci. Everyone should read it. If Fauci is involved in this in any way, shape or form, and if certain contents of the book are true, Fauci is without question, 100% involved.

    Fauci holds the purse strings for medical research exclusively. You do not get funding, a grant, any backing of any kind for any medical research unless you are willing to consent to the wholly and totally corrupt world that Fauci runs. Fauci has put leaders in their respective fields throughout the world out of business and in a state where nobody will hire them. He is as bad a man as they come.

    Fauci must make money on everything. That’s the bottom line.

    Pancreatic cancer is a killer for sure. I also have heard that it is the most painful of all cancers.

    Should I get it, I would not accept any treatment that had Fauci’s fingerprints on it. It won’t be effective, it will only make money for many people and the “big guy” in this case is Fauci.

    Read the book. RFK Jr. is a leftie. He gets in a few digs here and there but it is a minute percentage of the book. He’s got it in big time for Fauci as well as Gates. But there is a whole cast of characters that should be lined up and executed along with those two.

  6. A close friend of mine was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer more than four years ago. She immediately underwent radiation therapy and chemotherapy and was told she might have six months to live. About three years ago, her oncologist told her she needed to arrange for palliative care and to get her affairs in order, because she was doomed. I insisted that she get another oncologist. She did, and when they went to see the best pancreatic cancer specialist in Colorado that had initially reviewed her case, and he couldn’t believe she was still alive. When my friend asked this renowned pancreatic cancer specialist how many patients he had seen that were still alive after three years, he replied that he only knew of one other person. My friend is what is referred to as an outlier. Her pancreatic cancer has not grown or metastasized. She hasn’t done anything special, or changed her diet, or her living habits. She gets a CT Scan every three months, and the inoperable tumor has gotten smaller without any further treatment. I hope this new treatment proves to be a successful one, because this is normally a terrible disease to endure.


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