Growing Scandal: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown(D) on hunt to find secret prison meetings leaker – IOTW Report

Growing Scandal: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown(D) on hunt to find secret prison meetings leaker

Oregon Catalyst: There may be a scandal unfolding.

Yesterday, The Sunday Oregonian ran a rare six page story on Governor Kate Brown’s secret meetings with prisoners and her granting them early release for which nearly 1,000 have been granted during her tenure.

When the newspaper runs one of the longest articles of the year you know something big is happening.

Furthermore, the story details how one of the criminals given early release was someone who murdered an innocent father and daughter and buried them in a ditch.

Governor Brown held secret zoom prison meetings with hundreds of violent criminals before she decided to commute their sentences and release them early.  Governor Brown purposefully and intentionally kept crime victims families and many law enforcement agencies in the dark until it was leaked to the media. more

18 Comments on Growing Scandal: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown(D) on hunt to find secret prison meetings leaker

  1. People who do anything in the dark on the sly knows it’s the wrong thing to do. I pray the light hits her with the force of a thousand sun’s. And that the victims of these criminals receive justice.

  2. Cause chaos so dictatorial rule is easier.

    It must be really bad if the media are reporting it.
    I wonder if some of the crimes affected them or someone they know? Lots of times unless it hits close to home a problem can be ignored.

  3. Why can some of us on the western sides of WA and OR not get infected with moss for brains? There is so much wrong with the Pacific NW right now. One of the most beautiful places in the country with the absolute worst politicians-and the dumbest voters.

  4. I’m with Cynic. Form a vigilante group. It’s not wrong when the Government that you have entrusted with a portion of your freedoms, in order to protect you, doesn’t.
    Therefore, you must take back/revoke those freedoms and powers that you formerly loaned to the Government, in order to protect yourselves, and those you hold near and dear.
    NOW…..that said, doesn’t mean that you go out & about in the middle of the streets waving guns, ropes, and torches. You must needs be be stealthy, quiet, stalk your prey, strike from the shadows, and fade back again.
    The Government doesn’t like ordinary citizens encroaching on what it deems as its prerogative in dispensing justice (even though it isn’t).


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