Has 50% of the Ottawa Police Force Resigned? – IOTW Report

Has 50% of the Ottawa Police Force Resigned?

Not verified.


24 Comments on Has 50% of the Ottawa Police Force Resigned?

  1. I completely DOUBT IT.

    If that were the case then Chief Sloly would not have threatened arrest to anyone bringing in Food, Water, Diesel.

    The truckers are being told to NOT HONK by their own people as an injuction was granted by a judge allowing arrest & impounding of vehicles that are honking.

    Now, I believe that quite a few have “Blue Flu” but that is not the same thing.

    Frankly, The truckers were making a bit of a mistake Honking after 11:pm from a public relations standpoint. The Lefties would have had less ground to stand on if Night time was quieter. That was the single biggest reason the judge rules against the honking.

    Besides Turdo is sleeping well where ever that fuck he is hiding.

    Politicians were saying that Ottawa has become unsafe. The real reason however is that Coppers are watching the Truckers & confiscating Fuel rather than Policing the Shit-Hole Areas. As a result , the Shot hole areas are getting a bit more Belligerent.

  2. Now you guys understand why I WILL NEVER have another Canadian Flag in my home again.

    Listening to talk Radio Today in Toronto makes me realize, that there are not many Old School Canadians left. Takers Not makers!

    If I could, I would fucking leave for a Free US State, but I’m tied here for a while.
    Maybe Alberta or Saskatchewan in the Future (if i can remember how to fucking spell it without auto correct)

  3. We need to pitch in and fund Kcir.

    Kcir, just walk away. I can get you a job with an HVAC company in my town. We’ll get you a plot of land you can park your trailer on and help build your house.

    I know it sounds too good to be true, but trust me, I can’t stand your bitching any more. I got fur to move to Florida, I’m sure I can motivate your ass to move to America.

  4. The news outlets shutting down reader comments on Dec 2019 – Feb of 2020 right before kickoff of Mostly Peaceful Riot Season and the COvidaramma was in preparation for keeping the real news of situations like this from getting to the general public. Is it true? Who knows.

    It was part of the strategy going on the Great Reset Offensive

  5. Years ago, a smart American that I met in the bar in the Georgia Hotel in Vancouver put it this way after years of doing business in Canada. Half the citizens of Canada would be very happy with a flat out, fully Socialists government. The other half wishes they were living in the United States. And this was before Justine Brandbeau got elected, and before forty percent of the population of Vancouver was imported from Hong Kong.

  6. Of course, freedom-loving people commiserate with like-minded in other countries, but for those good moral people here in the states, our worries are also self-serving. We want Canada to value and preserve its civil liberties because if (when?) our nation crumbles in the face of the fascists, the gun grabbers, and the authoritarian overlords, it would be nice to have a back-stop, someplace we can go to re-fit, re-arm, and re-build.

  7. There’s a report on GAB that the Can coppers are blocking all food into the city of Ottawa. Estimates posted are there’s about 5 days left of grub. And the authorities are already blaming the truckers. My thoughts are people get hungry people get mean and motivated. If this is true things will get sporting.

  8. Update:


    In Response to the Cops in Ottawa having blocked Fuel, Food & are getting ready to bring it down on those truckers, The Ones at the Ambassador Bridge in WINDSOR/Detroit have FULLY Re-Blocked the Highway!

    Fucking Right Eh!

    There are thousands of miles of highways that truckers can block if Ottawa residents think the rest of the Country is less important!

    Lets hope the truckers will bring a few TANKERS with them THIS TIME!

  9. “Let this serve as yet another example of how police units will respond to carry out the orders of government officials regardless of what laws, limits or duties ordinary citizens may project upon them.”

    “When told to load YOU into the cattle cars, or fire upon any resistance effort, every single police officer will follow orders; and they will execute those orders with extreme prejudice, without distinction for constitutional limitations. In the era of COVID compliance, all police officers are jackboot security agents of the authoritarian state. Conduct your affairs accordingly.”

    From https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/06/heavily-armed-tactical-police-units-move-in-and-confiscate-fuel-from-ottawa-freedom-protest-truckers/

  10. The ambassador bridge brings MOST of the USA Produce Into South Ontario.

    Ottawa cops cut of the truckers, the truckers Cut off the source.

    Fuck It! Tomorrow I’m putting the Betsy Ross on My Ford.
    I was keeping her Clean in the basement but I think its time she gets some Road Salt & Dirt on her.


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