Crap Cops Turn Into Brownshirts Mighty Quickly – IOTW Report

Crap Cops Turn Into Brownshirts Mighty Quickly

115 Comments on Crap Cops Turn Into Brownshirts Mighty Quickly

  1. No complaining; it’s what you voted for …unless of, course, you’re electoral system has been compromised by satan’s servants, as is the case in the US.

    Regardless of country, we are not voting our way out of this.

    Day of the Rope.

  2. The big reason why Canada has become so Fascist is because their socialist health care system can not handle an epidemic that strains their bull shit medical system. Even w/o Covid in takes 4-5 months to get into a Canadian hospital for any type of life threatening procedure. It is primitive jackass sideways health care BECAUSE it is socialistic. Canadians with money drive to America or fly to Belize, Mexico or Panama for proper medical treatment when needed.

  3. “Turn Into”?

    Oh. You sweet, sweet, little short bus rider.

    This is who they are. That is why they were hired. And, most importantly, they will not change after this is over. This is who.. they.. are.

  4. It’s completely out in the open now. Canada is just a few months ahead of the U.S. in the way their police describe its citizens as enemy combatants. It evoked a visceral response in me. This won’t end well; we’ll either be forced into a hot civil war or we’ll end up in permanent lockdown (either through the excuse of covid or in prison). Three of the largest Western nations are now guilty of communistic oppression of its citizens: Australia, Canada, and the U.S. If it walks like a duck…

  5. Cops will follow orders to save their pensions, we’ve all seen it all across this country. We’ve watched them stand and do nothing when cities were burned down. We’ve watched them do nothing when Antifa scum attacks groups who got together to support them. The right needs to get off the back the blue shit because the blue sure as hell won’t back you, if they’re told to arrest you, they will, if they’re told to stand down while you’re beat or shot they will, if they’re told to shoot you they will.
    Backing cops anymore is just as dumb as voting for RINOS and thinking you’re doing something good that will change the country for the better.

  6. I am totally on the Citizens side, but the 1 mistake he made was moving the truck & turning the wheels. esp. forward
    They will use that as Evade Police.

    He should have just shut the truck off, taken the ticket, & hired a Traffic fighting service to handle it.

    Along with a request for just under the small claims amount for re-paint & check the air bag sensors on the Green truck & cost of hiring traffic ticket service.
    He would get it.

    The little old guy in the video Corvair linked should have just sat on his tailgate, given the tough guy his licence & had the whole thing thrown out of court.

  7. And I really don’t want to hear the bullshit my family member is a cop, they wouldn’t do this or my friend is a cop and they don’t agree with this. Yeah I had and still have family and friends in LE and the majority will do as they’re told and those that wouldn’t sure as hell don’t speak out against the majority that will.

  8. @Old Racist White Woman February 8, 2022 at 10:46 am

    > the majority will do as they’re told and those that wouldn’t sure as hell don’t speak out against the majority that will

    This. The reason why “conservatives” are your (because they label you as, your feelz don’t matter) “enemy”. They have, now, formed a rhetorical… they will, proudly, form a human… shield, between the wet work soldiers of the regime, and the citizens. To shield the former while they kill the latter. “That’s not who we are!”

  9. “Let this serve as yet another example of how police units will respond to carry out the orders of government officials regardless of what laws, limits or duties ordinary citizens may project upon them.”

    “When told to load YOU into the cattle cars, or fire upon any resistance effort, every single police officer will follow orders; and they will execute those orders with extreme prejudice, without distinction for constitutional limitations. In the era of COVID compliance, all police officers are jackboot security agents of the authoritarian state. Conduct your affairs accordingly.”


  10. I’ve gotten to the point where I could care less about Police Lives! Cops used to be standup citizens and now they’re all Corrupt Communist Stasi Forces… Treat them all as Corrupt until proven otherwise….

    The People will remember and the police won’t be able to claim they were following orders when they stand you up against a wall to be shot for Tyranny!

  11. @Mr_Pinko so are Americans. That’s been on full display for over 2 years now.
    I’m actually proud of the Canadian truckers they’ve done more for people than any others in any country.

  12. Bunch of bold statements here about cops from you folks. I have two sons who are cops, both of whom would reject the type of activities that you’re already projecting onto a group of underappreciated, much maligned individuals. Many of whom have been hurt, threatened, emotionally impacted, harrassed, etc. for their attempts serve their communities. Fuck all of you with that attitude, especially you, Old Racist White Woman. What the fuck do you know? Ignorant cunt.

  13. Papa Yeo bless your heart. When the cops come for you because they’re following orders, don’t say you weren’t warned.
    Like I told my nephew who is a cop, if you don’t like it that the normal people are turning against cops then you cops who say you won’t simply follow orders need to start speaking out against the bad cops.
    Like I also told him, yeah it sucks the cops who have been killed and have their lives ruined by the left, all the more reason they should have stood with the normal people instead of arresting them for not wearing a damn mask.
    He gave me the song and dance about if they’re told to stand down while protesters do what they’re going to do even if it’s burning down a business they either do it or lose their job. My point exactly, no job if you don’t arrest peaceful protesters and those who refuse to comply with the government.

    He’s in his 30’s, no reason he can’t get another job, which is exactly what I told him.

  14. Oh and what do I know, I’ve had siblings, brother-in-laws, numerous friends, cousins, nephews and a niece.
    I know the ins of how they will cover for each and protect each other. I know of cases where they beat passed out drunks because they could, beat old men and women because they could, sexually harassed dispatchers, raped women in jails and all the cops knew it but they covered for them until they could cover no more and then many lied about what they knew.

    There have been corrupt cops for years and the reason they became that way were their fellow officers who said nothing.

  15. Well, that settles it then. Your anecdotal evidence trumps everything. To be honest though, it sounds like you need to spend time with a better crowd of people. I’ve lived a fairly rough life but I’m not sure I could put together a list of folks who’ve committed the misdeeds you list in your screed but you seem to be right in the middle of the pack. Common denominator, maybe?

  16. PAPA!!! Such language.

    You know these people are easily swayed. Tomorrow there will be a story about a hero cop and everyone will start backing the blue again.

    As for myself……motorcycle club member. We didn’t particularly care for law enforcement before it was cool to not particularly care for law enforcement.

  17. You’re a very funny dude, nope the thing is I’ve lived in different counties and knew shit others didn’t because I did have family in LE. I could never understand even as a kid why they wouldn’t say or do something about those cops. I was even told when I was a teenager by my BIL to keep my mouth shut because it would hurt him and the good cops if I said anything. These were all pillars of the community, everyone thought they were such good ol’ small town boys. Well I couldn’t be them, I couldn’t stop what I witnessed, but I sure could tell about it. I first tried to do what I thought was the right way and go to the DA, I soon learned that was the wrong thing. So I went to the public defender, he was either scared of them or in on it as well. So I went to the newspaper and they didn’t want to touch it with a 10 foot pole, so I went to attorney office after attorney office until I found one who took the case pro bono and went after the department, most of the bad actors were removed.

    But where I find you funny is your common denominator from the person who says F…You, you F…. cunt that says more about your sons then you will ever know.

    I can guarantee you neither of my sons would ever call a woman a cunt. My boys were taught the important things, God, family, country and respect and hard work. I can also guarantee you wouldn’t have the balls to say it to my face, because when I was finished with you, my husband, sons and son-in-law would finish the job.

    However, if that is the best you can come up with you’re sorely lacking, I’ve been called worse and threatened online with worse that’s why my name is Old Racist White Woman.

  18. “Fuck all of you with that attitude, especially you, Old Racist White Woman. What the fuck do you know? Ignorant cunt.”

    That doesn’t show much for what your sons were exposed to around you. No class. I think I see part of the problem here.

  19. ^^^^ sez a guy that talked about picking up women like a bowling ball from the two holes and tain’t last night. You’re a pig Brad and need to remember what you type. And just shut up for awhile, you don’t need to type an opinion on every post.

  20. Ed Pearlmutter

    And you’re a coward that likes to throw insults from the safety of their moms basement. My humor may be crass but the asshole above called out one of our readers specifically coward. There’s a big difference.

  21. Well, Brad, the problem is not with my sons so your conclusion is irrelevant. The problem is the broad brushed, matter-of-fact statements demeaning, across the board, the men and women who have chosen an honorable profession and put their lives at risk to protect others.

    And, Old Racist White woman, I’m sure that you’re real tough and that your husband and sons are real tough and that the dogs you’ll sik on me are real tough and I’ll get my tail whipped by a panoply of various tough guys. I’ve heard your threat.

    And, still, your story is strangely warped and twisted describing all of the nefarious dealings of your family and cousins and neighbors and what-all. I suppose if I had such a dysfunctional network of family and friends that I’d be a little paranoid as well.

    Finally, you can criticize my language and extrapolate from that your suppositions about how my sons were raised but you’ll be far, far from the reality of my situation. I’ll defend their honor every time, caring not a lick about your opinion of how I do it.

  22. Brad:

    You have little humor and are not clever in the least. Lesee, Kcir typed about using the taint as a chin rest and you typed about picking women up like bowling balls, using both holes and the taint.

    Would you like YOUR sons to talk about women like that? Probably, you taught them. Would you like people to talk like that about your mother, sisters, daughters, nieces et al.? Don’t deflect the conversation like your some wounded victim. Own your own shit that you type.

    Once again, your have no sense of humor and your not clever. Own it and embrace it.

    I wish Burr wouldn’t encourage your exploration of weird humor because you suck at it.

  23. LOL, Am I your hobby? You remember shit I typed that I don’t. You really need to get a life and get away from the key board you freaken stalker. Right now it seems like I AM your life.

  24. Obviously reading comprehension is not your strong suit. My family in LE problem was being wusses and not speaking out about the bad seeds. If your sons told you any truth at all you would know these kinds of cops exist in every department regardless of size.

    I know about them because I was a kid who sat around and listened to the grownups who ignored the kid, well except for the few times when I was in their personal car when they were off duty and thought they needed to stop and help their fellow officers, that’s how I saw what I saw.

    I have known a few good cops over the years, but imo any cop who keeps his mouth shut is part of the problem. My daughter has a friend who grew up with them, so makes him a family friend who was one of those good cops, he wasn’t much a friend of them because his parents brought him up right and he did report wrongdoings. He recently resigned, because even in red states we have some commie ran towns, he resigned when they started telling them they had to give tickets to people not masked and they had to go check and see if they had more than 10 people in their homes.
    An ex-neighbor resigned when a cop was charged with shooting a black guy who pulled a gun on him. He said he couldn’t be a cop any longer when they couldn’t do their jobs, this before the covid bullshit.

    That’s the biggest thing right there, even as bad as some of them have always been and it’s been on display since the rioting started and continued during the mask mandates across this country, the majority of the good guys have left and you’re left with mainly jackboots even if they claim they would never do that when their city hasn’t forced them yet to see what they would do.

    However, as I’ve always believed the apple doesn’t fall from the tree, your comments show your sons would more than likely have no problem abusing their badge and gun against an easy target.

    Oh and yes, we’re country people and what I said isn’t a threat it’s just the facts and if you came on my property, yep I wouldn’t have to send my dogs, my livestock dogs would meet you at your vehicle. They would allow you to open your door until one of us told them to. Then if we act like you’re not a threat they will go on their way. They’re smarter than many people.

  25. It was last night Brad, You don’t remember? You got bigger problems the just being a dumbass. Sundowners perhaps?.

    I don’t know why some of IOTW’s more vocal women don’t call bullshit on these obnoxious comment you make.

  26. Ed

    Got other things going on Ed. I have a life. I’ll be working from home tonight so you can take the night off. However I’ll be back tomorrow and I would appreciate if you spent the evening putting together some suggestions on how I might improve myself. Maybe I’ve been taking you for granted. I take constructive criticism well.

  27. That’s great, Brad. Glad you support your local cops. I’m fully aware of the fact that there are bad cops, stupid cops, even evil cops. Nothing new under the sun.

    Since those responding to my comments don’t seem to have a high degree of reading comprehension I’ll type this out slowly.

    My firm response to the earlier broad brush statements suggesting that all cops are bad (don’t deny it) at no point claimed that there are no bad cops. My point, and I’ll reiterate here, is that the majority of those men and women in law enforcement are honorable people who are routinely abused by those they serve. I’m fully aware that there are bad cops. My eldest son was instrumental in getting one fired from his department by standing up and bringing the issue to his captain. Old Racist White Woman claims to know the hearts of my sons and has implied that they are cowards who would not stand up for what is right. I can only assume that she takes this position based upon her experience with her own kin.

    Again, I’ll say to her, what the fuck do you know? Your stories about your upbringing, etc. are meaningless. Your rambling about what you would or would not expect or believe are drivel.

    And, your comment “However, as I’ve always believed the apple doesn’t fall from the tree, your comments show your sons would more than likely have no problem abusing their badge and gun against an easy target” is despicable.

    I was right, you are an ignorant cunt.

  28. Cool Brad. My suggestion is just SHUT UP for awhile. It will be good training for not answering questions when you take over for Psaki. She won’t answer questions either and you and Joe have Sundowners. It’s like you and joe will be camping buddies at Lake Winnemucca Day camp while making twisted plastic key lariats…..HELLO MUDDER, HELLO FODDER. Memorizes that.

  29. General Malaise, thanks for the input. I’ve made it 60 years without your opinion so I’m sure I’ll make it until check out time the same way.

    Read what she said. Her implication about the honor of my sons (and virtually every other LEO) proves my claim.

    My daddy said that sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade.

  30. Well I left school many years ago so I won’t get into your schoolyard name calling. I said what I know, I stand by what I said.

    You can call about what I said about your sons despicable, but you’re the one putting that light on your sons. A respectful man would have never called a woman a cunt and most men raise their sons to be just like them whether intentionally or by their actions.

    Funny again though it’s alright to call me a cunt, it’s alright to throw insults at my family, it’s alright to call me and them the common denominator, but heaven forbid you get called out on your own words rubbing off on your sons and that’s despicable.

    You see I didn’t get mad at what you said about me or my family, but you sure did. I don’t need to defend my family’s honor, some of them are good decent people, some of them are leftist idiots, but why I didn’t get offended or mad about what you say about them is because I know what each of them are. What some guy on the internet says means nothing to me. I’m just bored and willing to play along.

  31. Late to the party, this turned ugly real fast.

    @Ed, not sure why you have a hard-on for Brad’s comments. This is a blog, after all, people are supposed to share their opinions. If his comments are irritating, just don’t read them, sounds easy enough.

    @Papa Yeo, I don’t know how long you have been following this blog but yes, there is a large anti-cop contingency here. Being a retired cop myself it used to bug me a lot but lately, the criticisms have been justified, as evidenced by Brad’s video as well as the subject of the post with Ottawa PD.

    You should be proud of your sons as I was in my profession but a reckoning is coming where good cops are going to have to choose where their allegiance lies, with the corrupt government officials than want a cowed subservient populace, or with the people, that will not surrender their civil liberties to any unlawful authority.

    I thank God that I got out in one piece and that I’m not doing it now because, yes, it is thankless. But they knew what they were signing up for and get well compensated for it. The job is tough and way too many thugs, bullies, and predators hide behind the badge as they brutalize the people they swore an oath to protect.

  32. What’s the deal with this Ned Pearlrubber guy?

    I haven’t done anything.

    Except not fight with anyone, because, as previously stated, after 15 years on this site watching long time commentators pass, I’ve decided to treat the remaining few of you with some dignity and respect.

    And my humor isn’t “weird”. It’s done deliberately.

    “Why” is apparently beyond your ken.

    Sincerely yours,

    A. Burr, super awesome space lawyer and portable opium inventor

    Which is fine by me. I’ve never been here for the thumbs up.

  33. Ed Pearl necklace.
    “HELLO MUDDER, HELLO FODDER. Memorizes that.”

    Wow, that comment brought reality slamming home. I get it now. You’re Gay as Fuck and are hot for me. Sorry bud, I’m married. Move on.

  34. @Rich Taylor, thanks for positive comments about the boys. However, I would take issue with the statement that they knew what they signed up for. My oldest boy started before Obama made a concerted effort to create the hatred toward the police. His motives were, and are pure. Though they have been severely strained as of late. The younger boy followed his big brother’ s footsteps into an honorable career that still had some respect from the general population. Neither of them signed up for this crap.
    As I mentioned several times in this thread, there is no argument that there are bad cops. As a veteran you know that better than I. But none of the cop haters on this site should assume for a minute that there is not a large contingent of cops who are fully aware that there may be a reckoning coming. I’ve spoken about with my boys. They know right from wrong, they know history and they know where there hearts are. They serve with a bunch of like minded people, patriots, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. The disregard for their service from some on this site (I’ve followed for a decade) is pathetic and embarrassing. Every one of these naysayers would gladly call 911 in an emergency. Hypocrites all.

  35. @ Rich, Ah, you didn’t read Brad’s posts. One in which he talks about physically picking women up like bowling balls and one where he doesn’t like somebody calling a commentator a cunt ( which I agree with, very inappropriate). It’s the hypocrisy that I called him out on and he couldn’t denie it though he tried. So yeah Rich, it’s a blog and I shared my opinion and if Brad doesn’t like my opinion then he’s free to not read that too, same as you….Hypocrites of a California feather???

    “Why” is apparently beyond your ken. Nah, I get it Burr, but you somehow encouraged your worst party hatted monkey to steer the train into a train wreck. I almost thought you did it to expose his stupidity, but it seems more akin to drinking’ a bunch of beer and belching rugby songs.

  36. @Papa Yeo

    You probably already know this, and your boys do for sure, but it is super important that they work for a city that not only respects them but has their back.

    I never understood how anybody would want to be a cop in a large blue city. I’ve written here often about “The Ferguson Effect”. There are a number of “red” cities, populated with good old fashion folks who want the cops to do their job and want a DA that will put the bad guys in jail. It is this environment where the blue feel appreciated and will go the extra mile to keep their community safe.

  37. “you somehow encouraged your worst party hatted monkey to steer the train into a train wreck.”

    Am I……Am I that good?

    I actually have no idea what you’re referring to. I’ve caused many train wrecks….boating accidents….Ferris wheel disasters…unscheduled demolitions and one or two political revolutions.

    However, it seems you’re …..disappointed in me somehow. As if I’m your beacon of personal awesomeness. I was unaware. I’ll be happy to focus my attention towards you and your literary needs.

    Also, I have this fat bag of meth I’ll be happy to give to you.

    Which you should totally try as all the cool people do meth.

    I would never steer you wrong.

    And if, at any point, you decide to sell your shrunken and quite useless soul, I’m happy to pay the standard rate of seven fiddy.

  38. “.Hypocrites of a California feather???”

    Why are you picking a fight with me, I just asked a question?

    No, I did not read the comment about the bowling balls, but if it bothered you at the time why did you not call him on it but wait until a completely separate thread to mention it?

  39. Don’t worry Burr, I think you’re just the “bees knees”…The “Big Daddy O of the Radio”….Hero to a few and savior to the rest

  40. If I’m your personal Jesus, you would remiss to not sell me your soul.

    For 7 fiddy.

    The meth bag is your free gift.

    Just stick it in the side pocket of your wheelchair for easy access.

  41. You really don’t know country people, we don’t call 911 and again that is not a threat, just the truth. We call and report what happened after the fact. We’d be long dead if there was a threat by the time the cops got to us, much the same as an ambulance.

    A city guy moved out by us about 5 years back, he thought someone was breaking into his house, turned out he was just hearing things as there was no sign of anyone messing around. He whined and cried and went to the papers because it took the cops 30 minutes to arrive and if it had been someone meaning harm he would have been dead. That was actually pretty fast for them.

  42. Holden : You’re in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down…

    Leon : What one?

    Holden : What?

    Leon : What desert?

    Holden : It doesn’t make any difference what desert, it’s completely hypothetical.

    Leon : But, how come I’d be there?

    Holden : Maybe you’re fed up. Maybe you want to be by yourself. Who knows? You look down and see a tortoise, Leon. It’s crawling toward you…

    Leon : Tortoise? What’s that?

    Holden : [irritated by Leon’s interruptions] You know what a turtle is?

    Leon : Of course!

    Holden : Same thing.

    Leon : I’ve never seen a turtle… But I understand what you mean.

    Holden : You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back, Leon.

    Leon : Do you make up these questions, Mr. Holden? Or do they write ’em down for you?

    Holden : The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t. Not without your help. But you’re not helping.

    Leon : [angry at the suggestion] What do you mean, I’m not helping?

    Holden : I mean: you’re not helping! Why is that, Leon?

    [Leon has become visibly shaken]

    Holden : They’re just questions, Leon. In answer to your query, they’re written down for me. It’s a test, designed to provoke an emotional response… Shall we continue?

    Holden : Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about… your mother.

    Leon : My mother?

    Holden : Yeah.

    Leon : Let me tell you about my mother.

    Sums up this thread…

    [Leon shoots Holden with a gun he had pulled out under the table]

  43. Is Ed, Willy? Is Willy, Ed? I’d say it’s 50/50. Both seem to go out of their way to be antagonistic, and there are some similarities in their nonsensical arguments.

  44. Well Rich, apparently I couldn’t pick a fight with you because you didn’t read Brad’s comments, so why did YOU call me out for something YOU didn’t read.It didn’t bother me until he voiced this hypocritical opinion about some asshole calling a fine lady a cunt….Do some research and read the info out there before making your opinion known. THAT RIGHT THERE makes you a hypocrite. Hell, Offering an opinion without knowing the details makes you a dumbass…..Actually, I’m more concerned that the fine ladies of IOTW don’t call Brad out more for his bloviating bull shit.

  45. “The disregard for their service from some on this site (I’ve followed for a decade) is pathetic and embarrassing. Every one of these naysayers would gladly call 911 in an emergency. Hypocrites all.”

    Not me. I’ll shoot them myself. You crossed the line with your disdain for a long time reader here. I hope your boys are better skilled negotiators than your self. I pray they stay safe. I’ve watched Rich evolve. I actually feel sad for him. I know he was a good cop. And the good cops still out weigh the bad ones. But Good Cops gotta start getting rid of the pussies.
    We have an awesome Sheriff. Big time Pro2a guy. He’s retiring and his uncontested predecessor is a good friend of mine. We are an 07 FFL and have donated a shit load of AR Lowers for raffles. And we are proud to do it. I’ve shot with are county swat guys. To much fun, most vets. All stand up men that know how to do the job. And picking on old men or body slamming them ain’t doing the job. And quite honestly I think the LE I personally know would have had a big problem with it.
    Papa Yeo, if you have a sack, you should apologize to Old Racist White Woman. That would be huge. You two need a fresh start.


    I’m willing to start with a 1/4 share in your immortal soul and we can haggle from there.

    Surely you have an aged loved one that you can trick me into soul purchasing in exchange for…five bucks. I know I said seven.

    ….it’s just that old souls smell kinda’ funny.


    Sorry….sorry…. I have a quota to fill this fiscal quarter.
    Let’s just stick with seven fiddy, done and done.

  47. Brad said this last night after Kcir talked about calling the taint a chin rest….spelling is all his.
    “I thought it was designed that way so you could pick them up buy a bowling ball.”

    Rich, Joe6pak, Burr, Brad Is that copecedic for the female members of your own special societies? It ain’t in mine.

  48. ORWW, You presume that you’re talking to a city person. I was raised logging large timber. I’m not some hillbilly neighbor of yours.
    And, I don’t give a shit about your opinion.

  49. Ned…. are you implying that anyone gives a shit what Brad says?

    That….somehow we’re responsible for someone else’s right to free speech? And further, that somehow we’re to blame when someone says something YOU don’t like?

    Why you magnificent Nazi bastard, I’ll give you 8 bucks for your soul, free and clear.

  50. Shit Burr, Just stick with the immortal souls of all your dead party hatted monkeys. You’ll have to let my soul go because the ladies of the United Methodist church here in my small community bought it years ago with the usual holiday cookie delivery.

  51. I like these constructive exchanges of thoughts and ideas. It keeps us on our toes, and when we run into someone we are diametrically opposed to we have the previous experience of attempting to communicate with them. Sometimes that experience doesn’t help, some people are so ingrained with their thinking that you can’t get through to them. But it’s still useful to try. I was late getting here, I might have had more to say.

  52. Cookies……

    I hadn’t thought of that. I just assumed stupid mortals were all gay for cash.

    You know, I make wicked lemon bars, I bet I could swap a soul out for 6 or 8 of those.

  53. No Burr, I’m being attacked for my right to free speech. I just called Brad a hypocrite….and Rich, though that be unfair because apparently he can’t read.

    Thanks for the name change idea. I’m gonna be Ned Pepper Pearlmutter from now on.

  54. Ned…..don’t be rookie.

    You’re being a rookie Ned.

    This thread stinks of rookie farts.

    Let me see if I have this straight, you’re outraged at the lack of outrage about your outrage and now you’re so outraged that you’ve gone straight past the last exit to sanity and have jumped the overpass straight into victimhood.


  55. “No Burr, I’m being attacked for my right to free speech.”

    You’re a fucking stalker loser. The only comments you make here are to degrade me. How’s it working out pussy. Not one person here could say what your political leanings are. Although I’ve never met a vindictive cowardly conservative. At this point in time you’ve totally wrecked a good thread. An important topic. Which you never addressed. You’re only comments personally attacked me driven by the fact you’re pretty substandard for a male and you resent the hell out of me for being a type A male. Go lick your vagina and if you want to continue this discussion lets do it face to face. Let’s see how that works out coward. I’ll even pay your airfare.

  56. Brad, The important aspect of the thread was some asshole calling ORWW a cunt for expressing her opinions, you didn’t like her being called a cunt, nor did I, and I merely called you a hypocrite for stating (the night before) about picking up women by the P____ & A__ like a bowling ball. All of the rest of this is you whining about your mistreatment. Nothing about saying stupid shit….Aw well, it doesn’t matter

  57. Ned Pepper

    But the fact remains you’re still a little cowardly sniper pussy with no balls. She’s been here a minute. I didn’t see your little pussy ass standing up for her. Hell no, you were consumed with jealousy of me. Get help, you fucking need it. Like I say, I’ll pay the airfare. Let’s get real.

  58. Nope; sorry Brad. ORWW directly stated that my sons were dishonorable and would take the opportunity to abuse their badge or use their guns on easy targets; her words exactly. She also directly threatened me with violence from her, her husband, her sons and son in law which I’m not concerned about but, really? I need to apologize? Pound sand.

  59. Papa Yeo, those weren’t her words exactly. ORWW seems like a lady that knows what she’s talking about. I for one like her. You’ve got pretty thin skin to think you were personally threatened by her entire family. If you can’t see the brown shirt similarities with some of today’s police tactics then you need to wake up and smell the coffee.

  60. Brad, I’m not jealous of you. You’ve had throat cancer, you’ve been twice jabbed, you’ve got weeds in your underwear dirt in your hair and you smell like a wet airdale who’s been rollin’ in a manure field. If I were you I wouldn’t buy green bananas.

  61. “Brad, I’m not jealous of you. You’ve had throat cancer, you’ve been twice jabbed,”

    For Christ Sake, Tell me this mother fucker is not a stalker He knows my entire life history. My life is his only reason for living. Fucking weird, sad, and a little scary all at the same time. You pal, are fucked up.

  62. @Joe6pak, I stated verbatim what she said about my sons and then paraphrased what she said about her family taking care of me. You can take a minute and go read her posts or continue to just make shit up. Obviously your choice.
    I’m not think skinned nor, as repeated now numerous times on this thread, ignorant of the abuses of power in some situations by the police. I can see the videos just like everyone else.
    I called her out for her all encompassing slanderous anecdotal comments suggesting that all cops are bastards (sound familiar?.). No apologies here.

  63. Brad, I know your life story because that’s all you fucking talk about…fuck, weight lifter, bass fishing god, wrastler, street racer ad nauseam.I’ve yet to hear about you inventing Dos XX but that surely must come

  64. Ned Pepper

    I’m thinking one day I will need to squeeze your head until it pops like a zit. What do you think? You’ve been warned to leave me alone. But your like a moth to a flame. This does not end well for you. You’re a classic Libtard in case you were wondering. I’d offer you my home address, but I’m sure you already have it.

  65. Papa, all I know is that in the last 30 years (66 now) I’ve gone from a big time supporter of the police, to being absolutely skeptical of them. I think that “public servants” nowadays have such extraordinary benefits and pensions that they are so concerned with maintaining that it affects their judgement and justifies actions they never would have considered prior to their “public service”. Unionized government employees, now we’re on to another subject.

  66. Pearl Necklace

    Im wondering if you could make it through a Chemo and Radiation cycle for Throat Cancer. I;m guessing not. And oh by the way, I never missed a single day of work because we are self employed. Towards the end I’d pass out on my desk. But I still was able to generate an income. Just wondering, are you that tough? I doubt it. You’re just a pussy stalker.

  67. :Walks down deserted railroad tracks singing the Monkey Train song:

    “Monkey train comin’ down the tracks
    full a lil’ monkeys wearin’ party hats.

    Ev-er-y train-car full of fun
    doped up monkeys on the run

    MONKEY!!!!! Monkey train
    MONKEEEEY!!! Monkey train

    A’ headin’ down the tracks.

    There’s more but this thread never really got so derailed that the engine and entire train jumped the tracks and slammed into an orphanage…full of…:flips through cards:…wow….adolescent female Hitler impersonators.

    Better luck next time.

  68. Papa Yeo; nice of you to denigrate the experiences of others.
    Hope to return the favor some time.
    Anecdotal stories from nearly everyone I know prove your sons may be the exception, but certainly not the rule – cops bend the rules ALL THE TIME!
    And believe their badge makes it A-OK!

  69. What I find curious is why Willy feels the need to change his username like he is trying to pull a fast one, is he embarrassed by his past behavior?

    I think Brad is on to something, Willy harbors an unhealthy obsession with someone he doesn’t even know personally.

  70. Anybody else get a ticket from a cop last night?

    I did. 43 in a 30. I was in a line of cars, keeping up with traffic.

    My mistake? Eyeballing the cop sitting across on the road.

    The best part? Small town. I know the guys first name and can therefore give him sh!t with impunity.

    Yeah….I know….. but it was worth it to run my mouth. No idea what the ticket will cost. Because I gave it to my wife who was sitting next to me with her open container.

    Even when I lose I win. So sweet to hear his scripted “thank you for cooperating” while gritting his teeth with a red face.

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