My cawzin was keeled by a weasel – IOTW Report

My cawzin was keeled by a weasel

Pretty sure this is satire. Has to be.

Funny how it took this long to connect the dots between whistles and heart attacks.

Is this not the most insulting thing you’ve seen in awhile?

What phucknut reads this and swallows it whole?

22 Comments on My cawzin was keeled by a weasel

  1. It’s soccer where flopping is as much a part of the game as fighting is in hockley. Who the hell knows what the score is? Maybe we should run it by Snopes to get to the truth. However they come down the opposite is much closer to the truth.

  2. Might be true. I recall vaguely a time I wolf whistled this fine looking woman who happened to be passing me on the street. Not sure what happened after that but I came to in the hospital with what looked like a Jimmy Choo shoe print on the side of my head. I think my whistling made me fall out and I landed on her foot. I don’t whistle anymore, that shits dangerous.

  3. We’re breeding them weak folks, we gonna have to do something about this. No red pens checking assignments, no sirens, now no whistles? I would imagine folks who took the shot are much, much more sensitive to those awful whistles, yes?

    Let’s all, pure blood and those who took the jab remember, government ultimately coerced the taking of the shot. Government is not yet done with coercion, it hasn’t yet become a penal offense to be free of the mrna dose, and we’re not yet being hauled off to internment camps but the coercion is still present here in the US.

    Government knew in the beginning these shots would maim or kill some recipients, almost all these kinds of interventions do. As the program has advanced the raw and proportional numbers of recipients maimed or killed by the shots has increased enormously, expodentially, to quote a senile old man installed in a high office in 2021.

    Remember this and understand, government at all levels beyond the purely local must be considered your mortal enemy. It has proven this through its actions in this last two years. It is interested only in what it may extract from you and beyond what it may extract there is no concern of any kind beyond a kind of malicious envy of whatever your living self may consume.

  4. Lots of whistles in the military, too. I’m sure that’s why there’s been an OVER TEN TIMES increase in events.

    Whistling is the new Time-out! Look for nurseries, daycares and preschools to introduce whistling as babies and children begin to die in record numbers.


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