Welfare Artists – IOTW Report

Welfare Artists

Sacramento Mayor Proposes Guaranteed Basic Income for Artists.
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is proposing a Guaranteed Basic Income for Artists. Yes, the city is proposing providing government welfare payments to people who do not need it and are capable of supporting themselves.

23 Comments on Welfare Artists

  1. Why wouldn’t they? They can default on their loans and the federal government will bail them out. There’s a reason why the sign says “don’t feed the bears.”

  2. Gresham’s Law applies far more widely than to just economics. Gov’t subsidized anything is designed to push out the good.

    Gresham’s law, observation in economics that “bad money drives out good.” More exactly, if coins containing metal of different value have the same value as legal tender, the coins composed of the cheaper metal will be used for payment, while those made of more expensive metal will be hoarded or exported and thus tend to disappear from circulation. Sir Thomas Gresham, financial agent of Queen Elizabeth I, was not the first to recognize this monetary principle, but his elucidation of it in 1558 prompted the economist H.D. Macleod to suggest the term Gresham’s law in the 19th century.

    Money functions in ways other than as a domestic medium of exchange; it also may be used for foreign exchange, as a commodity, or as a store of value. If a particular kind of money is worth more in one of these other functions, it will be used in foreign exchange or will be hoarded rather than used for domestic transactions. For example, during the period from 1792 to 1834 the United States maintained an exchange ratio between silver and gold of 15:1, while ratios in Europe ranged from 15.5:1 to 16.06:1. This made it profitable for owners of gold to sell their gold in the European market and take their silver to the United States mint. The effect was that gold was withdrawn from domestic American circulation; the “inferior” money had driven it out.

  3. I hear ya…..So everyone’s getting a check…
    Remember- When everyone is an artist, NO ONE is an artist.

    LMAO And they thought there was already a glut of “spoken word” artists in Cali already LOL

  4. “well, as I see it, since I’ve completed BFH’s works…”

    …”Complemented”, not “Completed”.

    I can’t even draw a circle. No WAY I could do ANYTHING to complete a painting, unless its to “complete its destruction”.


    ….you know what would be a welcome work of art?

    A good edit and/or delete button…

  5. ^^^ “No WAY I could do ANYTHING to complete a painting”
    you should apply. You sound like you deserve it the most and they do love to throw away money if your talents don’t emerge.
    just be thankful you aren’t trapped in job lock. This sounds like phase 1 of that pelosism.

  6. Oprah Wirfney
    FEBRUARY 10, 2022 AT 2:04 PM
    “You get a check, and YOU get a check, and YOU get a check.

    Everyone gets a check!”

    …IF you voted for Pedo Biden!


    (Wait for it)


  7. Picasso is reputed to have said ‘An artist needs a business plan, if you don’t you’ll be unprepared for your success. And if you’re a second rate artist, don’t concern yourself with such things.’ Public ‘art’ is all you need to see to tell you, no government subsidy of any art of any kind at any time. Of course mama government subsidizes all kinds of crap they call art.

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