Kamala Harris’s Movements On Jan 6th Are Suspicious – And She Hid Them For a Year – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’s Movements On Jan 6th Are Suspicious – And She Hid Them For a Year

22 Comments on Kamala Harris’s Movements On Jan 6th Are Suspicious – And She Hid Them For a Year

  1. Carlson did a good segment on this tonight … mentioned the DNC headquarters & the pipe bomber ‘suspect’

    the ‘Insurrection’ was a total setup from the get-go

    it’s a sad day when we no longer trust our government … on ANY level
    they have all revealed themselves to be absolute corruption

  2. Wait a damned minute! Is someone accusing the FBI and the Dementiacrats of staging an “Insurrection” in order to make a case against President Trump and his supporters? Without the help of Vladimir Putin? I don’t believe it! It’s another Mysterious Case that demands the immediate attention of Attorney General Merrick Garfinkle.

  3. That’s the first time I’ve heard how one of the bombs was found. Just this fact raises suspicion tremendously. Sloppy, very sloppy. All the hallmarks of an inside job.

  4. A kitchen timer? Obviously another phony FBI set up.
    They couldn’t even bother to make it look like a failed detonation? Just took the lazy way and put a Walmart timer on the phony bomb.
    That ranks right up there for believability with the dad cookout outfits.

  5. I just wonder what the Fake Coup plotters would have done if none of the actual protestors had taken the bait and hone into the Capitol. I guess the Feds would have phonied up something anyway with plants, and cast their net further out into the Mall to find “insurrectionists”.

    We have an amoral, treasonous federal government now, and there ate no effective checks on their power or punishment for their actions, no matter how much evidence we have of their wrongdoing. The unlawful incarceration of hundreds of Americans in DC should go down as one of the most shameful episodes in our history, but it will be swept under the rug.

    It would not surprise me if those poor patriots ended up in jail longer than the Americans that Roosevelt put in internment camps during WWII. The only way they get out is if Trump wins in 2024. I have my doubts that any other Republican who might win would have the balls to pardon them, and certainly, a Democrat President would let them rot for four more years.

  6. Nope the FBI lost my trust and they lost their integrity long ago.
    The FBI have proven numerous times that they are not above planning and implementing illegal actions against innocent Americans and/or groups.
    The FBI, political enforcement arm of the DNC, the real insurrectionists.

  7. So, my post was moderated and erased, by whom?
    Here’s my second post. What was deemed inappropriate?
    Who is monitoring IOTWR? Who decides what is posted and what is not?

    Nope the FBI lost my trust and they lost their integrity long ago.
    The FBI have proven numerous times that they are not above planning and implementing illegal actions against innocent Americans and/or groups.
    The FBI, political enforcement arm of the DNC, the real insurrectionists.

  8. BFH
    Are you saving me from the content of my post?

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    So, my post was moderated and erased, by whom?
    Here’s my second post. What was deemed inappropriate?
    Who is monitoring IOTWR? Who decides what is posted and what is not?

    Nope the FBI lost my trust and they lost their integrity long ago.
    The FBI have proven numerous times that they are not above planning and implementing illegal actions against innocent Americans and/or groups.
    The FBI, political enforcement arm of the DNC, the real insurrectionists.

  9. Speaking of moderators, PARLER censored at least a dozen of my memes this week.
    I guess Facebook Fact Checkers are moonlighting at PARLER now.
    “freedom of speech platform my ass”
    IOTW is the ONLY true First Amendment Site.

  10. I read that the truckers are headed to cut of access to DC on Superbowel Sunday. That’s a way to send a message. Maybe we should all drive there and blockade that cesspool of corruption.

    It seems to be working in Cuckanda…

    Truckers own the highways and distribution system, maybe they are on to something.

    Also NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA monitors, get in a circle and blow each other you communist fuckers.

  11. @Thirdtwin February 10, 2022 at 7:53 am

    > The unlawful incarceration of hundreds of Americans in DC should go down as one of the most shameful episodes in our history

    The Bastille laughs, at your huddled masses.


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