Spanish Judge – Covid Vaccines Are Not Vaccines – IOTW Report

Spanish Judge – Covid Vaccines Are Not Vaccines

13 Comments on Spanish Judge – Covid Vaccines Are Not Vaccines

  1. This is the oh shit moment because if judges rule in this favor then everyone that forced Amanda to became criminally and financially responsible to any harm they forced on citizens

  2. About time someone stated the obvious. If you take “COVID vaccine” and still get and pass on COVID, then it’s not a COVID vaccine. It’s just some shit some greedy assholes in the Pharma/Government/Pseudo-Healthcare complex want to shoot into your arm to see what happens to you. Welcome to life as a lab rat for psychopathic bureaucrats.

  3. ^^^
    A. Jim Jones did not use Kool-aid, you ignorant a**.

    B. Jim Jones was an Atheist, you ignorant a**.

    C. Your licking of the Communist boot makes you the Flavor-aid drinker of the day.

    D. You’re on the wrong side of history. You’re the baddie.

    E. You’re an ignorant a**. Do yourself a favor and come to Jesus. The suffering in the afterlife is forever remembering all the times you rejected Jesus and knowing you deserve your fate.

    “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”
    Romans 14:11

    You’ll know. But it will be too late by then.


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