China Views US Obsession With Diversity a “Sickness” That Has Weakened the Country – IOTW Report

China Views US Obsession With Diversity a “Sickness” That Has Weakened the Country

China admits they are racist, and sees no problem with that, and are not ashamed.

We have the recipe for collapse. Bring in people who aren’t Americans, and sow division amongst the native born, divide us as much as possible and have the populace hate the flag and what it reperesents.

Who would fight for this land?

22 Comments on China Views US Obsession With Diversity a “Sickness” That Has Weakened the Country

  1. “China admits they are racist, and sees no problem with that, and are not ashamed.”

    Can’t say if Japan ever made that admission, but there’s your justification for the presents delivered by Enola Gay.

  2. The exceptionality of America was in the bedrock of our Constitution and in the idea that everyone here is (or was) equal under the laws of the land, and not more equal or less equal by the accident of birth.

    I’ve never been around people who are capable of such intense bigotry as American-born Chinese. They are a very insular group. Not all, of course, but many. They just shrug and say, “I’m Chinese”; meaning it’s a Chinese thing to be feel so superior.

  3. Where to start? Are they saying that ethnic Chinese are f*cking up America? Or only ethnic Africans, or Mestizos, or… who?

    Taking any advice from those racist commie chink-ass PoS is like taking lessons from a 120 bowler.

    My neighbors come from all over the world, but one thing most of them have in common is their pride in becoming Americans.

    America is not an ethnicity and never has been. American is a state of mind that the rest of the world envies and strives for.

    Fuck China; China is Asshole

  4. Hmmm. Magnus only fought five… Rex is lookin’ at over half a dozen.

    BUT! Magnus didn’t run.

    Fun fact, Magnus is a world renowned rock climber and is in really, really good shape.

    Those trainers took it suuuuper easy on him but it was still funny as hell when Bob 3 and later, Bob 5 tied that guy up like a pretzel and then tried to get him to make babies with the floor.

    Even the skirt in the room wanted a piece of his ginger ass.

    I’ve never fought more than 1 1/2 at one time. 5 would….I’m pretty sure I’d be puking before Bob 4 ever got near me.

    Just a fun 20 minute demo full of tips and as mentioned, it’s pretty funny.

    P.S. I had to google “Kentucky Fried Movie”……wild.

  5. I never thought I’d agree with anything a communist says, let alone the Chinese communists.
    They are right. And they are not the only ones pointing this out. Some African leaders, some middle east countries regularly say something similar.

  6. sow division amongst the native born, divide us as much as possible and have the populace hate the flag and what it reperesents.

    Who would fight for this land?

    Latitude and longitude. The wizards used the same words, for both. But claim they are different. So, they must be the same.

    See!? How smaht I am! Smahter, even, than a wizard.

  7. ^ 😀 Yeah, I was gonna post “What does that even MEAN?” but then I figured it was self-evident that it had no meaning.

    But got to hand it to hesheit. They know how to use block quotes.

  8. It’s a sad day when China can’t believe how easy it was to decieve, infiltrate and corrupt The United States of America.
    They’re shocked by their success.

    Thanks to Marxist/CCP compliant progressive elites and Democra(tick) evil policies too many Americans have lost the instinctive desire to rely on our founding principles – The Constitution. Key to defeating totalitarian aggressors, domestic and foreign.

    A miracle of God is now the only way our Republic will be restored – the patriot reset.


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