Interview With Funeral Director – Disturbing – IOTW Report

Interview With Funeral Director – Disturbing

ht/ woody

12 Comments on Interview With Funeral Director – Disturbing

  1. Something I’m curious about is the true percentage who haven’t gotten the shot. We know for awhile they were giving placebos, we know state health departments have been caught fudging the numbers. I say all of that out of curiosity how many will be left?

  2. Does anyone remember when people were talking about the extreme headaches they were having after the shot? The CDC said to NOT take regular aspirin take Ibuprofen. I also remember when they reported… early on BEFORE the shot was around… that people who took Ibuprofen had a higher rate of getting the COVID. Now saying those two statements, do you think they (CDC, etc) are telling people to stay away from aspirin because it is a better blood thinner than Ibuprofen, and it might interfere in their research (the shot)? I’m listening to this guy talk, and it’s making me connect some dots. Anyone else have something to comment about?

  3. Also… is it possible to submit the actual link to this interveiw. I’d like to check out Steve Kirsch’s other topics, and RUMBLE has at the wonkiest search… I cannot find HIM or this interview. 🙁

  4. Covid-19 causes blood clots, China knew this thats why they had crematoriums running 24/7 at the beginning of this. Taking aspirin or blood thinners not gonna work, covid-19 overwhelms your body.

  5. If you didn’t get far enough into the interview, the embalmer states that the clots have hindered the draining process for many of his peers as well.
    He also has photos of clots that appear to be “castings” of the veins and that he pulled out a blood clot that was as long as the man’s leg. All of this has transpired in the last year and a half.


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