“Where’s Trudo” Prints for Sale – IOTW Report

“Where’s Trudo” Prints for Sale


Created in response to government public health policy. This artwork is painted on 300gsm watercolour paper and is rendered in Indian ink and watercolours. It measures 31 x 24cm. Here

Hint: You’ll know its him when you see him. – Dr. Tar

26 Comments on “Where’s Trudo” Prints for Sale

  1. Not sure, I have three options: the Waldo guy upper right, the tranny lower-middle, or the naked guy just above that.

    Or maybe not even in the picture because he is in hiding.

    The more I think about it, I choose the last one

  2. I hope this image catches like a wildfire! It’s very clever, yet sums up the situation (around the world) on every point.

    I know there are some inside Canadian jokes in it, but I don’t know them. And I can’t find Turdo either.

  3. I’m assuming he’s the blackface guy.

    The latest on Canada and Trudeau, some guy named Ford called a state of emergency and says they will all be arrested, fined $100,000, 1 year in jail, lose their license and have their trucks seized. They’ve been given until 7 pm to move their trucks from the border.

    The cuban son told them he heard them and now to shut up and go home and that it’s Americans causing this, they’re funding it and are part of the protests. Oh he said he knows everyone is tired of covid, but the way to end covid is covid restrictions.

    I saw one man who said GM Canada fired him for not taking the shot, that his son will lose his job in April for not taking the shot, that his son-in-law’s business has lost thousands of dollars due to the covid restrictions and that his daughter went into premature labor and delivered a premature baby due to them badgering her and stressing her out trying to make her take the shot and that he’s going nowhere, that they took food off his family’s table and now he will die for his family.

    I saw a trucker who said he’s going nowhere, that what does he care if they take his license or throw him in jail, he can longer drive his truck and put food on the table for his family anyway unless he gets three shots and forces his kids to get three shots. So he’s willing to die for his family and that he’s really not concerned with these politicians and government employees who haven’t had food removed from their table. He’s really not concerned with the automakers who shut down and laid Canadians off and then fired Canadians who didn’t get a shot. They haven’t cared about their employees during all of this so why suddenly do they care.

    I saw another woman who said she’d lost her job, her husband had lost his job so what exactly did they have to lose, she told Trudeau and Ford, “you’ve not missed one paycheck or one meal, you don’t know what those of who have because of you will do.”

    They’re also sending police to people’s houses for commenting in favor of the truckers or liking the truckers’ FB social media.

    The last live stream I watched nobody appeared to be leaving and none of them seem to concerned with the government. I still don’t see how the government plans to move them if they refuse to move. Yeah, they can arrest them, but that still leaves them with thousands of trucks and the cops look outnumbered 10 to 1.

    Some think the government is going to make their move tonight.

  4. “This artwork is painted on 300gsm watercolour paper and is rendered in Indian ink and watercolours”

    ….Little surprised here, I thought it may be rendered in Chicken Shit Brown indelible diarrhea and as wide as the country.

  5. Trudeau has been such a f***-up, yet there has been no vote of “no confidence” in his government/leadership. Why the hell not? I thought that was what happened in countries with Canada’s type of government. All I’ve seen is the “opposition” bitching about Trudeau and him being an a$$ in response.

  6. Old Racist White Woman:

    Ford is the Premier of the province of Ontario (the equivalent of a US State Governor). The city of Ottawa and the Ambassador Bridge are in Ontario. So the State of Emergency applies to the Province only.

  7. DavidW: the NDP party is, shall we say, pretty radical for a mainstream party (or pretty mainstream for a radical party?) and it’s leader has no moral backbone,so they won’t side with the Conservatives. If anything were to happen it will come from Fidel Jr.’s own party — and that might just happen but it will take a while.

    I would like to see them arrest 50,000 people and confiscate all those trucks. Cancel their drivers licenses? Yeah? And who is going to keep the Canadian economy moving? I suppose they could bring in thousands of unqualified Somalis but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near a Canadian road should that happen.

    While of course there are the idiots who thing that all’s fair in love and Liberalism, many people are beginning to think WTF? For the PM to say “I heard you. I’m ignoring it you. Now shut up and go away” is frightening people.

    Fidel Jr. is doing his part to destroy the Democrats chances in November, barring massive voter fraud.

  8. Mrs Radiomattm, I’ve never paid any attention to Canadian politics or how the government is set up. I’ve read though that he’s supposed to be on the conservative side, is that true?

    I’m not going to lie this video made me cry.


  9. These are the times that try men and women’s souls. Governments have 95% of the power while we try to exist with death all around, prices going higher and higher by the day, and police states forming before our eyes. Most police are showing their true colors now.

    Governments around the world are not (if they ever really were) there to protect citizens and our rights.

    Still, I hang on to optimism for the future, except for the horror of a county known as Haiti. Giving in to negative feelings and depression won’t help at all.

  10. If you look closely a Dr. Fauxi look-a-like is standing under a tent. He’s holding a syringe full of a CCP Covid “vaccine” – eager to ruin someone’s life.

  11. It has been two weeks since the Canadian protesters have been hanging out together in Ottawa. Few if any masks. Why aren’t the hospitals filling up with chy nah bug patients?

    Further proof the mandates are not justified.


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