Meat, It’s White Supremist – IOTW Report

Meat, It’s White Supremist


Animal rights advocate and author Carol Adams has been savaged for throwing “every woke buzzword” into a fiery speech at the Oxford Union ‘Beyond Meat’ Debate on Wednesday.

Ms Adams claimed eating meat is linked to a “white supremacist patriarchal worldview” and that white supremacists “weaponised” eating meat, eggs and dairy to reclaim their wounded masculinity.

But social media users were quick to hit back at the viral speech, arguing the use of “woke logic threads” has “no overarching connection” to meat. More

Supercut of crazy Carol’s rant against all things meat. Here

35 Comments on Meat, It’s White Supremist

  1. After the hippie generation, I’ve wondered
    what future generations would do to set themselves apart. I never would have thought anyone would believe being a fuckhead was a good way to do it.

  2. This is the aftermath of “newborns” to our generation who cannot understand the EVIL inherent into every human being, which is controlled by religion, law or other sources throughout their entire lives. Now, we get, Biden and his lechery Cabinet.

    We have already crossed the Moral Divide after WWII by bombing civilians.

    The only thing between this inborn Evil is Our Military Forces and Our inbred fight against this Evil.

  3. Ever tried any of that vegan crap? Why do they try to get it to taste like meat if they’re so against “flesh.” Ever been to a 7th-day Adventist potluck? Stay away from everything that pretends to be something it’s not. BTW, I like to remind vegetarians that they will die someday too.

  4. Bitch should be hog tied with intestines and force fed hamburgers, ribs, smoked sausage, steak, rack of lamb, smoked duck and fried chicken until her insides explode. Afterwards, cold-smoke the remains and feed her followers Ed Gein style.

  5. @AnonTrooper February 12, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    > These people want to run the world. That should keep you awake at night.

    The adults in the room tell me to throw my wallet, roll over, and wait. What’s a callow whippersnapper to do?

  6. In honor of this very twisted world view I’ve got 5 pounds of beef short ribs in the oven with a sherry/mushroom/onion/beef stock braise.

    Ever notice: The only junk left at the grocery store in a panic (snow, hurricane, etc) are the vegan meat-wannabes? Almost every person I’ve ever known who does not partake of animal protein looks weak and ill. And those who say they don’t eat meat and look healthy are probably sneaking it.

    If God didn’t want us to eat meat He would have given us cow teeth but not cows.

  7. BAR – bacon bacon eggs and bacon with a side of bacon and eggs.

    The vegan part of the meal involves cubed, steamed Yukon potatoes lathered in butter, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper UNDER those eggs. But first, a layer of your favorite cheese over the potatoes.

    The meal should end with leftover bacon on a plate tempting your for hours afterwards, since you know you’ve had enough but want more! This is a proper way to start a Sunday.

  8. No fruits and vegetables afer a nuclear fallout, except in elite enclaves. That’s where we’re headed if the left had it their way.
    Animal protein wwould be the only nutrition available.

    Little does the idiot veggie terrorist know most places in an apocalyptic senario will experience “Soylent Green”.

  9. In honor of Carol Adams, I bought some bone-in pork chops. I read this thread this morning and decided what could be better than slow cooked chops smothered in gravy? Yesterday we grilled NY steaks, never gave the cow a second thought or Carol Adams.

  10. Uncle Adolf would not eat meat and hated the idea of killing animals but was totally cool about killing people. He would castigate Goering for being an avid animal hunter.

    Yes, old Adolph was a cockeyed liberal in the true sense of the word.

  11. Why are we born with canines, upper and lower?
    For tough carrots?

    Is this moron aware that Chimps kill and eat their enemies?
    Are Chimps white supremacists?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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