Keep on Truckin’! – IOTW Report

Keep on Truckin’!

Canada border blockade eases, protesters still block bridge.

French Police Break Car Windows, Beat Protesters as Freedom Convoy Bursts into Paris.

New Zealand’s Covid Cops Fail to Disperse Freedom Convoy with 80s Music.

Bonus: STFU, Gretchen!

17 Comments on Keep on Truckin’!

  1. Only if they the Antifa scumbag types are doing the blockading, if the freedom truckers do it they’re branded as terrorists. You’ve got it backwards assholes, you are the real terrorists and not us fighting for freedom from your oppressive bs COVID mandates and restrictions.

  2. I am curious about one thing. Frau Whitmer told Herr Trudeau that she would be willing to send in heavy equipment & whatever else is needed to make the scary, triggering truckers leave. Can a governor of a U.S. state order such a thing into a foreign country? I don’t think so, yet I could be wrong. I wouldn’t put it past her either way, she is as crazy as she is ugly.

  3. @Wild Bill February 12, 2022 at 8:51 pm

    > Hundreds of thousands need to be in the streets.

    Ten times more bodies, doing the same thing.

    Because it’s too hard for the regime’s propaganda organs to lie about hundreds of thousands? After they prove their ability to lie about tens of thousands? Because it’s too hard for the regime’s wet workers to dispose of hundreds of thousands, who surrender on arrival? After they have dealt with tens of thousands, who surrender on arrival?

    Because with hundreds of thousands, who have said “No”, even only once, a pride parade is the best plan? That anybody can come up with?

  4. Who is the most dangerous man in the world?
    A man that has nothing to lose.

    This is what is left out of this article:

    They have/are creating a lot of these people and I fear they are quietly, bur deliberately and systematically plotting their revenge and that puts a lot of innocent people in danger. Yes, the sympathy of the world is with the Truckers. They are playing by the rules and not following the path opened up for the supporters of the progressive agenda by the UniParty. But there are others who are going to go out with a bang and take as many of those they hold responsible along with them. Tim McVeigh laid it out when he said he needed a body count in order to get his message heard and was willing to accept collateral damage in the way of taking innocents out. When so many lives have been destroyed it is simply statistical probability that this is going on in many people’s head.

    I am not in any way endorsing this, I am just saying it is more likely than not something that is going on. I am willing to state unequivocally that I am 100%b certain the progressive movement is just fine with this developing because it will undermine the massive support that those who oppose the agenda of those who have set this up. These truckdriver protesters are doing it the right way and the left needs something like what I have laid out or they are going to loose bigly on this. Ergo, don’t discount a false flag attack orchestrated by them.

  5. @JDHasty February 13, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    > They are playing by the rules and not following the path opened up for the supporters of the progressive agenda by the UniParty.

    “Defying” The Regime’s “first preference”, by selecting The Regime’s “second choice”, is playing by The Regime’s rules.

    > Who is the most dangerous man in the world?
    > A man that has nothing to lose.

    A man that has nothing more to lose.

    Life’s lottery losers were, are, and always will be, loyal to The Regime. The “winners”, who thought they would be allowed out the door, with The Regime’s cash and prizes? But have had the foolishness of believing such lies… explained to them… by The Party’s doormen… well, that’s where things get… unpredictable.

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