Let’s Talk the Convention of States! – IOTW Report

Let’s Talk the Convention of States!

ht/ rick

29 Comments on Let’s Talk the Convention of States!

  1. If it were to involve removing anything from the existing Constitution (save perhaps the income tax part) I would consider it too risky. Our country’s founders knew what they were doing with the Bill of Rights, and they knew what they were doing when they required an overwhelming majority for any changes. I don’t trust our current population to keep those protections.

  2. The idea is good because of the dems and progressives, however, because of that the COS would be overwhelmed by a coalition of prongs, libs, dems and rhinos to rewrite the Constitution in a bad way. IMHO

  3. Now it sounds more attractive than ever, Anonymous. How can I NOT open a door clearly marked UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.

    However, as a professional courtesy I suppose I should ask what I SHOULD do….besides…..besides…..um….not opening the seductive and alluring door of unintended consequences.

  4. The “social contract” created by the Constitution is irreparably broken. Passing a few new amendments would not repair the contract.

    Our culture is dying, and with it, our country. Hold on to your notions of what it means to be civil because that is the only thing worth saving and passing on, whatever happens.

  5. I’m pretty sure the door of unintended consequences is shaped like one of those busty ladies on the back of truckers mudflaps.

    Plus…I’m pretty sure behind it are fireworks and jugs of gasoline. So my best bet is to light a torch and shove it in there ahead of me.

  6. ^^^^ Age is just a number. I’d like to find the guy who coined that and beat his ass. Fortunately we have drugs.
    A couple Viagra will get your trigger finger stiff. Let’s get it on.

  7. Actually, there are some things seriously wrong with the Constitution and several of them due to bad wording – mixed with collectivist philosophies of the past two centuries – have rotted the grout of our foundation stones (so to speak). But that’s a subject for another time, probably.

  8. Brad, by that I mean having the strength and stamina to put my body were my mind is. I’d LOVE to see the fire lit. Turn D.C. to glass (or ash) and get rid of all that Masonic crap.

    Gotta stop before I tell you what I really think! 🙂

  9. General Malaise
    I think we are on the same page, paragraph, sentence. However I hold the Constitution next inline to the Bible. If you interpret the Constitution as written and interpreted at that time it’s spot on. Way to many ambulance chasers decided it was their duty to tell the rest of us what it really meant. I’m probably wasting the epidermis on my finger tips, but the Federalists Papers are an awesome read.
    We should do a Pod Cast with you, me, Joe6, and Lowell. That way we could share a jail cell. LOL

  10. When we start abiding by the piece of paper we already have then we can maybe have a rational discussion about changing it. If changes are even needed. Novel idea?

    One change I would support is limits on government service. Forty years of fauci should point out the dangers of lifetime government service. There are enough talented people in this country that we shouldn’t require the service of anyone for more than 12 years tops.

  11. You want to save the Constitution? The Country?

    Try and then execute the traitors (ALL of them – Gov’t, Media, Academia, Hollyweird, Wall St., Madison Ave., Silicon Valley, Think Tanks, and Foundations).
    Repeal the 16th and 17th.
    In that order – done and done.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Would the nation benefit from fiscal responsibility at the federal level?
    Would term limits be beneficial to the nation as a whole?
    Would limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government be a benefit to us all?

    If you agree with those principles, then tell me how the wholly and totally corrupt federal government we have and have had for many, many decades will make even one of those changes. The answer is that they won’t. Won’t because there is no benefit to them to do so. The political class has corrupted the system such that it benefits only themselves. Our founders knew this would happen. They knew it because they’d seen it before. Because they came here to escape it.

    The founders in their wisdom gave us the power to rein in an out of control government through the legislators of the individual states. The three items I outlined above are what could be changed through the amendment process at this convention should it gain the required number of states to be held. That’s it. It’s what the states that are onboard now have voted on. Nothing more can be changed.

    I’m sorry, but I’m going to make some enemies here now. What I am seeing going on within the conservative community is the acquiescence to the brainwashing and indoctrination that has gotten us to where we are today. We’re subjects of an out of control government and with the copious quantities of propaganda being force fed to us daily, far too many of us have accepted far too much of it as truth.

    To think that you actually have something to lose should the convention be held is absurd. We are a hair-breadth away from losing everything. Are you really interested in owning nothing and being happy about it? Would it be better to stand up to an out of control government and tell them we’ve had enough or to hide in our homes hoping that it doesn’t affect us?

    Will you like it when the animals cleaning your local CVS out decide that you’ve got more than they do and the federal government has told them to go for it? Stay the course and it’s a certainty.

    Bad things could happen should the convention be held!!!
    There should be no second term of Trump, I want another corrupt career politician!!!
    Give me that unapproved, experimental shot they call a vaccine for a virus that kills a minute percentage of the population!!!

    Do you want to be under the control of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Fauci and the rest? We have a chance to keep our Republic. If that’s too scary for you, please, just get out of the way.

  13. @Tim – FJB February 15, 2022 at 6:45 am

    > You want to save the Constitution?

    The Plan? That put us here? By design.

    > The Country?

    The United States? Occupying America. Not of Americans. Able to occupy America. Able to enslave Americans. Because the founding compact. Agreed to by Americans. After spilling blood to throw off foreign shackles. Was annulled by The Rule of Law. To enslave Americans to foreign shackles?

    @mystaclean February 15, 2022 at 7:14 am

    > We are a hair-breadth away from losing everything.

    Americans lost everything. Generations ago. Spiritually, physically. All.

    > Are you really interested in owning nothing and being happy about it?

    Americans (Canadians, The Free West) own nothing. They score their Winnings! in debt. And cheer their success.

    > Do you want to be under the control of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Fauci and the rest?

    That is the reason. For The Rule of Law.

    > We have a chance to keep our Republic.

    That depends on what your definition of “we” is. The nomenklatura’s republic. By design.

    > If that’s too scary for you, please, just get out of the way.

    There’s a breach to be filled! Too much light shining through.

  14. For those of you who do not think a Convention of States is a good idea, are you happy with the current situation? something must be done. Remember that each state has one vote and one vote only. There are more red states than blue states. Our entire process would be challenged but something must be done.


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