RIP PJ O’Rourke – IOTW Report

RIP PJ O’Rourke


18 Comments on RIP PJ O’Rourke

  1. I didn’t care much for his stuff in the Trump era, but I was an enthusiastic fan of his for a long time before that. My all-time favorite quotation on politicians will always be, “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”

    RIP, P.J. Thanks (mostly) for your wit, insights, and humor.

  2. Got to meet him at a standing room only event in Boulder on the CU campus. He was at his best during the four final years of Billy Clinton after Monica Lewinsky got outed as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s substitute, professional mouthpiece.

    Godspeed, P.J. O’Rourke. You will be missed during the next Clinton Comeuppance.

  3. Sad to hear this. I was a fan since way back when. Loved his stuff in National Lampoon when I was a teenager. Later on, his articles were the only ones worth reading in Rolling Stone. I remember an hilarious one about what a scam the Global Warming convention down in Rio was. Still later I read a bunch of his books which sit on one of my bookshelves to this day. 74 is way too young these days.

  4. Damn, sorry to hear that. So much great insight with some edgy humor. It’s pretty amazing like Irony mentioned, but there was damn good stuff in National Lampoon. Doug Kenny, Anne Beats, OMGoodness Chris Miller wrote outrageous columns, so did Michael O’Donahue and of course PJ.

    Eat the Rich asked why do shitholes suck? Funny thing is, I think he was capitalist leftie, not hard core, and he still blasted places like Cuba.

    After that one, Parliament of Whores stands out even though at the time it was written, the DC Whores were at least grifting old school. Now it’s Red China calling the shots instead of “farm bills”

    God Speed dude.

  5. Damn. That’s really too bad. I enjoyed reading some of his books; I discovered them a few years ago and, like others commenting before me, found the older ones the most enjoyable. Very satirical sense of humor. 😁👍🏻

  6. This made me go to the comedy section of my vinyl collection. Yeah. Lemmings. Pj O’Rourke. Radio Dinner. Same.

    But I saw stuff I forgot about. Eddie Murphy. Hudson and Landry. Robert Klein. First SNL album. Father Guido Sarducci.

    I might have to pop some corn and listen to the whole works.

  7. Read everything he wrote up until the last few years. I dont think I’ve worked through an authors body of work as quickly as I did PJs.I Absolutely loved his mind & wit. Thanks & Godspeed sir.

  8. anyone that sides w/ demonrats for the last 17 years of his life isn’t a ‘libertarian’ imo (supported Hildabeast, btw)

    but, loved his early stuff … ‘Animal House’, ‘Eat The Rich’, ‘A Parliament of Whores’

    this classic got me started w/ O’Rourke … saw this cover & just had to buy the rag

    “Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut”


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