BlackfaceTrudeau Gets Eviscerated After He Accuses a Jewish MP of Supporting Nazis – IOTW Report

BlackfaceTrudeau Gets Eviscerated After He Accuses a Jewish MP of Supporting Nazis


While it appears the Freedom Convoy is winding down somewhat, with most of the remaining protesters in Ottawa, things got heated today while the topic was discussed in the Canadian Parliament. Numerous Conservative MPs stood up to challenge PM Justin Trudeau’s tyrannical power grab by way of the Emergencies Act.

As RedState has reported, the move gave Trudeau and the Canadian government the power (at least according to them) to freeze bank accounts and imprison protesters without due process under provisions meant for terrorists. It was also announced that tow truck drivers could be “compelled” to act on behalf of the government.

Obviously, there are some officials in Canada who aren’t too keen on Trudeau impersonating Fidel Castro, who I’m assured is not actually his real father. One of those was MP Melissa Lantsman, who stood up to speak against the move only to have Trudeau accuse her of being a Nazi sympathizer. more

27 Comments on BlackfaceTrudeau Gets Eviscerated After He Accuses a Jewish MP of Supporting Nazis

  1. Trudeau and Gavin Newsom are two of a kind. Born, bred, and educated to take over the world by their elite families. Thrust into positions of authority and rule. The problem is, they’re both dumber than a box of rocks.

  2. Trudeau looked like a hostage reading his kidnappers demands when he declared that the Emergency Act was going into effect. He does what he’s told. Corrupted and compromised like all Western leaders.

  3. Rich Cooper was talking about this in disagreement with Jordan Peterson (My 2 favorite Canadians, excluding Kcir of course), eye-opening;

    The testosterone deficient Trudeau is also planting spies in the mix to foment insurrection;

    I also saw a flier the Ottawa police were handing out to truckers warning that they will not only be arrested but their rigs will be asset forfeited, their license and their insurance will be suspended.

    The only respite Fidel has while burning in Hell is the sanguinity knowing that his daughter is carrying on the dictator’s legacy.

  4. The Canadian Media DOES NOT GET IT.
    They are exactly on the wrong side of history.
    They are still painting the Truckers as Populist, fringe, radical,etc.
    They are gleefully announcing that the lawsuit against the truckers is $630 million for losses of various types.
    They read the measures in the “Emergency Act” and have no idea what the real consequences are.

    Believe me, In Toronto, I’m a minority.
    These losers think this is a great Idea.

  5. Truedope is a total fucking cunt. What the Canadian Parliament needs is full throwdown gloves off hockey brawl. That sack of communist shit sorely needs to get his face rearranged.

  6. Hey Kcir, congrats on your ladies winning the gold in hockey in that pretend sporting event held in the land of Uyghur genocide and intellectual property theft. Per my pledge, I did not watch it but I saw the highlights, quite a demonstration of superiority I must say.

  7. I honestly didn’t watch it.
    There are really only 3 teams (Canada, USA, Sweden) and sometimes Finland.

    I will honestly say that I like the way the US women’s team plays & their style much better in Hockey from a purely sporting perspective. More finesse & tech.

    When it Comes to Soccer, I actually do prefer the Canadian Girls. The antics of the US women’s soccer team ON & OFF the field are pathetic. Rapino destroyed the moral & morals of your team unfortunately.


  8. It is worth noting that a few years ago under Turdea, NATIVE BLOCKADES of rail lines lasted 6 weeks and the little shitstain did nothing. They ran low in Qubecistan on Propane, food, & other things.

    Back then he was unable to Vilify the natives Who he still hadn’t gotten Clean drinking water to, but he has had no problem smearing people who are from areas that DID NOT Vote for him.

    Toronto & urban Quebec are his biggest supporters and that is where trucker/farmer support is lowest.

    I don’t care enough to cite refrences.

  9. I cannot figure out the endgame for this Canadian Government. They are going to seize the trucks, eliminate the ability for the drivers to continue their profession….. Do they think drones from Amazon deliver everything to where it needs to be? Not just to the stores, but the raw materials for manufacturing is transported by truck in a lot of instances. Gonna grab some popcorn now. This is gonna be fun to watch (but not fun to live in the Great White North).

  10. Again, typical Marxist child. “You don’t agree with me, you Nazi you” bame calling.

    Five year old stupid fucker.

    I would have said in parliament

    “What do you expect from Castro’s bastard?”

    Sure didn’t inherit daddy’s balls, that for sure.

  11. Have met a lot of Canadians in Ontario and Nova Scotia. Greatly beautiful and polite people. We should have combined a long time ago. Like, about 200 years ago, while they were still “Subjects” of the Crown…maybe we’ll get a 51st, 2nd, 3rd, or more state after this fiasco is over, minus this Truedope character.

  12. This MP Melissa Lantsman – a self-admitted lesbian, which is obvious from her butch hair-do without her admission. She may be a conservate MP, but that cuts no ice with me at all. Maybe a CINO. She gets riled up over an insult from someone as dumb as she is to try to gain political points. I trust her about as much as I trust Buttgiggle.

    Queers have big mental problems – they are not our saviors.

  13. @Pianamusic

    There was a chance during the War of 1812. The US sent an inept general to conquer Canada. The best chance slipped away. Then Canada developed a different culture and different sports – curling, hockey, 3-down football, and lacrosse, plus a close association with Britain and the Commonwealth.

    Now, Canadians I think don’t want any association with Chicago or Newark and from the US standpoint, Quebec is undigestible. To borrow from Hamlet, Quebec is a country within a country.

  14. Thanks, Timbuktu. Appreciate it.

    Just don’t know anymore. You try to do some good. And then the Evil-filled bigots show up.

    Was Talking to a French-Canadian beautiful girl before posting the above. We both knew what was going on. The question was hanging there while she said I would receive the check from the closed account. But, we both sensed and knew, the love is still there.

    Always. It’s there. Just like Russia when I went to Russia. Just need to Love. If they cannot love back, walk on.

    We make it happen. Generals fight wars.

  15. Justin Trudeau was drunk and talkative recently with his only friend, Jacques Pissoir, in a Montreal pub:

    Jacques, the last time I had sex was sloppy seconds with my wife back in 2009. Afterwards, she demanded I give her $20. Sure, I gave her the money and then I asked her if she was a whoo-er. She said no, she was a call girl but no whoo-er. Can you believe that?

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