Poll: Americans Say U.S. Should Stay out of Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Not Send Troops – IOTW Report

Poll: Americans Say U.S. Should Stay out of Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Not Send Troops

From Sunday 2-20-22: Election Central – Given everything coming out of the Biden administration in recent weeks, it seems like a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent. Or, is it? The stories and circumstances are foggy, which seems to be the intention of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Are Russian forces preparing for invasion or leaving? The propaganda from Russia says leaving, but the intelligence from everyone else says preparations are underway for a ground invasion of Ukraine.

Given that America seems to be having little or no impact on what’s about to happen, what do the American people think about getting involved in a regional war between Russia and Ukraine? The short answer: Stay out.

Most Americans say they would side with Ukraine over Russia, of course, but that sending U.S. troops into battle would be a bad idea:

While most Americans agree that the U.S. should help Ukraine, the majority do not back sending U.S. troops to fight Russian soldiers, a new poll shows.

A poll conducted by YouGov found that 55 percent of Americans think sending U.S. troops to fight Russia “is a bad idea.” The majority of those opposed, 62 percent, identified as Republicans. Only 13 percent of Americans surveyed thought it was a good idea.

Read the rest HERE.

I participated in this poll. I get YouGov surveys about 2 times per week. I enjoy most of the surveys I get. Some are boring, but then I get some that deal with politics, like this one. I’m glad I can add my conservative voice to the responses.

27 Comments on Poll: Americans Say U.S. Should Stay out of Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Not Send Troops

  1. Save them for China? I hope you’re joking. 75% of our woke military would get their asses kicked by 5% of of the CCP military. Our top 25% are capable of miracles but I’d be damn concerned with a direct confrontation. Our politicians have weakened us by design and I’m thinking we are vulnerable as hell!

  2. I think it’s a bit late, but if Confederate Major General George E. Pickett could attack those Russkies somewhere between Donetsk and Kiev, I think his forces can break the center of those forces invading Ukraine and send them packing back to Moscow. Otherwise, I’m afraid it’s up to Brigadier Jack D. Ripper and Major T.J. “King” Kong to straighten this mess out. On the other hand, perhaps we should just recognize that the Ukrainians are paying the deadly consequences of a stolen election.

  3. China VS Taiwan, my prediction. China needs to on the sky. That’s why they’re currently probing. China’s latest and greatest fighter is the J-20A. A poor knock off of our F-35. Which sucks. Loses every time to F-16s in a dog fight. Guess what Taiwan’s air force flies? And their pilots were trained here.

  4. Hahaha….Anony, “THE 80’s CALLED AND THEY WANT THEIR FOREIGN POLICY BACK”. Ringin’ any bells?

    How bout’ “PUTIN KNOWS IF I GET ELECTED I’LL STAND UP TO HIM” Nothing? Really?

    This country’s got 99 problems but your angst ain’t one.

  5. Seems like Joe Bidet has got us in a no-winner, and he’s dragging us down. Say we send a few divisions to help Ukraine. We get tied up there and Xi will have a great opportunity to take Taiwan.

    All this smells like a Regiment of Skunks invaded the White House and Congress. Deliberately focusing on Ukraine gives China a green light.

    So, we can say, as we high tail it out of Ukraine – hey, we tried to help them fight back against Russian aggression….Biden can say: so what if we failed, we are heroes for trying. Meanwhile, China gobbles up Taiwan, the big prize, and we don’t do squat.

    It’s all planned and Putin is doing a favor to the US and China. Giving the US an opportunity to save face on one hand and give the other an opportunity to carry out their plans to take Taiwan.

    Is it not strange that China and Russia are after territory that they claim is rightly theirs and that these claims are coming together simultaneously? Conveniently, they are getting Biden to help them out. Everything for the New Global Order. In that sense, FJB is doing exactly what his masters are telling him to do.

  6. We have to accept that Biden has already written his surrender speech.
    There will be no military action against Russia or China. That message was clear in the Afghan surrender. This is the new era of Democrat controlled American surrender. Men in skirts are not going to fight any wars. It began when Obama made his world apology tour and Joe is going to carry on that message.

  7. There are so many angles to this, and I’m betting almost all of us are not in the know, we are not in the club. With that being said, another point of view, https://gab.com/paulf/posts/107849069506336960. It’s interesting, is it real? Hell I don’t know. But it’s better than TV. Just for full disclosure, a few days ago Dr. Tar posted that somebody claimed that they figured out who Q was. It was a combination of two people, one of them being Paul Furber, from the link above. Like I said, it’s better than TV. Is it real? Only if you think TV is real.

  8. That’s a neat post, Joe. Just…..when he says that Ukraine gets a “housecleaning” he knows the Russians will be using big fat tanks and crazy Siberian serial killers to do it, right??

  9. I’m all for sending the Vindman Volunteer Brigade, but nobody else. Where’s that fat piece of shit hiding? Ukraine offered that tub of goo the job of Defense Minister three times. No joke. Too bad he refused the offer. He must be hiding out like a m—-erf—-er right now.

  10. Just as Biden urged the Trudeau Terrorist to engage “emergency powers” to exact terrorist engagements against the civilians, The boneless coward Biden also was cheerleading from the side for the Putin-Ukraine war. Putin himself is not a stupid man and detests the simpleton Biden yet Biden is hoping for distractions from his own and lowlife crackhead-smoking human-trafficking son’s underhanded dealings with Ukrainian officials including Chinese Communists, Included in the Biden Crook’s schemes is his hoping that any war with anyone at all will crash US markets since covid and his economic failures did not/will not kyll us all. Biden’s vaudevillian croaking and laughable attempts at muscle-flexing is all typically bogus with his commonly stupid attempts to be “the man”. Biden has zero power anywhere and is nothing more than a domestic terrorist and human trafficker of minorities and assorted other race/ethnic groups.

  11. I’m no military history expert, just a retired NCO, but land wars in Asia never seem to well for western armies from Alexander the Great to now. I don’t think screwing around in the Ukraine will be any different.

  12. ^^^But Putin will not stop. So what lie down like dogs & ask, oh mister bigly Putin please don’t hurt us. Wait until he starts invading other countries? Time can be a precious commodity. Putin can not be trusted, should ge kicked out of the UN, any/all international banking & trade. This will not be enough to stop him, more forceful means will be necessary. He has already threatened nuclear weapons but he is not the only one who has them. Bully needs to he bullied back & taken out.


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