China orders media outlets to avoid posting criticism of Russia – IOTW Report

China orders media outlets to avoid posting criticism of Russia


A senior Chinese journalist who spoke to Radio Free Asia under the condition of anonymity said the directive is necessary because some Chinese nationalists hold grievances against Russia, including the claim that Russia occupies “huge swathes of Chinese territory.”

The Chinese Communist government has ordered news and social media outlets to avoid posting anything critical of Russia or favourable to NATO. The moves come after Russia launched a “full-scale invasion” of Ukraine.

The Chinese Communist Party’s central propaganda department, the China Digital Times, posted a directive to Weibo reading, “With immediate effect, regarding all Weibo posts about Ukraine: Horizon News to post first [on this topic], to be reposted by other major accounts.”

“No pro-Western posts, no posts critical of Russia. All initial copy to be reviewed by us [the CCP propaganda department] prior to posting,” the order, quoted by a video account linked to the Beijing News, said. – more

10 Comments on China orders media outlets to avoid posting criticism of Russia

  1. Good job asshole democrats and GOP warmongers. You’re moronic goading of Russia backed up by bupkis has just created a new, powerful, anti-West super pact. And all sorts of countries now have to decide who’d they’d rather trust with their future prospects, the fucktarded Western leaders with their desire to force the world to run on unicorn power or the Chinese colossus which doesn’t give a fuck about the limiting side of climate cult bullshit.

  2. Foreign diplomacy by blow job and Alzheimer’s logic is the rule of the day. And we have a government that was injected and not elected. The devil is passing out bonuses and cruise vacations today.

  3. This was bound to happen. China lost face because of “their” virus & rightly so. Russia planned on attacking the Ukraine most likely for years. Sure, why not the bad-boys club, South Korea, Iran & more…
    Nothing new here. Side note, Donny looks like he’d be helping his buddy Putin out if he wouldn’t of lost.

  4. Arguments, recriminations, bad feelings, lack of understanding – the Ukraine situation is a quagmire of half-truths and historical amnesia.

    But I think there was a strategy all along that would have prevented it, and it’s not easy to present the logic to it without going all the way back to the George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton presidencies which was the period of time after the Soviet Union broke up and we had – and DELIBERATELY blew – the chance to help Russia out of its 20th Century Communist Dark Ages.

    We started to help and then pulled back as the Clinton (thanks Hillary!) administration / Deep State cabal (also spelled “Military Industrial Complex”) decided the financial losses from peace with Russia would be too great. At the same time, Russia had no model to transfer state ownership of production to private business. So, they invented one based on the oldest (and very British model) – parse up the pieces to rich Russian oligarchs who had the most influence. There was no true “Capitalist” model based on concurrent political freedom offered, advised, presented, suggested (etc.) to them!

    In short, we – and the West – FAILED at the most critical time in the 20th Century. The Cold War truly could have ended then and there.

    Fast-forward the movie. The western “Russia-BAD!” philosophy was kept in place even though it was obvious even to 6th-grade American school kids that Putin’s Russia was NOT the “Soviet Menace” that they read about in history books or the newspaper.

    The Russia-BAD! NATO countries took the opportunity to push the American-financed NATO into Russian back-door countries without realizing that, historically, Russia doesn’t trust Europeans, and very rightly so. Hitler cemented that mindset. Keep in mind, one can utter that sentence without being pro- or con-Russia. It’s just the history and attitude of Russia now.

    How hard would it have been for the “Russia-BAD!” NATO countries to take a deep breath and say, “Putin, you’re right! No NATO for Ukraine and sure, we’ll pull heavy weapons out of the remaining border countries. But listen up. You fuck with Ukraine’s self-government, and we’ll be back!”

    I think that would have worked if the U.S. hadn’t meddled with Ukraine to begin with – OR – (and it’s a BIG “OR”) we had come clean with them on our meddling and specifically the actions of administrations from Obama onward.

    Enough from me. I don’t love Putin, but I think I understand him a bit.

  5. ^^^ Putin wants The Ukraine back into the fold, nothing less! He will not stop until all land lost from the break up of the Motherland, is back as part of the great Soviet Union.


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