Bad news for Dems: Millions of new gun owners have had enough with the “gun control” talk – IOTW Report

Bad news for Dems: Millions of new gun owners have had enough with the “gun control” talk


It must be deflating for national gun control groups. They push for more and more restrictions on law-abiding Americans whom they label “dangerous” and “impulsive” only to watch as millions of new gun owners search out firearm education and training and prove they are safe and responsible gun owners.

Recent firearm industry retail data revealed first-time gun buyers especially, totaling more than 5.4 million in 2021 and 8.4 million in 2020, are seeking training opportunities with their new purchases.


18 Comments on Bad news for Dems: Millions of new gun owners have had enough with the “gun control” talk

  1. Just like automobiles, they aren’t a good idea for everyone. From Seattle’s favorite progressive newspaper:

    “Though I hadn’t admitted this to myself earlier, it was perhaps inevitable that the very first thing I did when I brought the gun home and was alone with it was to put it in my mouth. Unloaded at first, then loaded (which may account for my difficulty loading the magazine). I danced around this ritual for a long time, several hours in fact, but I knew I had to get up close to it. This was the step beyond the drive-by, beyond the parking, beyond the browsing. This was brinkmanship with the part of myself that insists my existence has no value, that things will never improve.”

  2. My gun lobbying group in Ohio (emails from PA too) have been sending alerts to me about the NRA and Senators colluding to pass more gun control measures. The NRA? WHF
    S 3623, Feinstein

  3. The irony of it all is that the people who say not every transgender male that wants to use the women’s restroom is a danger to women are the same ones who say every person who carries a firearm is a danger to everyone.

  4. JDHasty – Yeah, that “Seattlite” is a Vermont transplant. Alaska and King County, WA have always been the last stops before suicide. People desperately searching for the end of the rainbow simply run out of places to move on to.

  5. “Though I hadn’t admitted this to myself earlier, it was perhaps inevitable that the very first thing I did when I brought the gun home and was alone with it was to put it in my mouth.”

    Which perfectly illustrates the plight of the modern-day lib, and what miserable defeated joyless despondent pricks they are.

    I didn’t see a post on it here but last week Remington Arms settled with the Sandy Hook families for a cool $73 mil. I wonder if they also sued Ford for providing the transportation he used to get to the school.

    More guns circulating amongst honest citizens is always a good thing, but like muscles that have to be exercised and worked out, civil liberties need to be flexed and utilized.

  6. BFH, didn’t say it before, but it’s a joy to see you back. No one put up a prayer request but we’ve been praying here and there on the site and in the world, and will keep you covered in prayers too. Don’t need to know what the issue was, the Lord knows and the Lord answered and that is enough.

    James 5:15
    “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”

    God Bless,

  7. The lawsuit against Remington was about marketing to children. It was allowed to proceed because they sold the Bushmaster name to video game makers. There is precedence against marketing age restricted products to children.

  8. @ aircubed FEBRUARY 25, 2022 AT 2:39 PM


    It really amazes me how short sighted and negligent corporate lawyers have become. The Boeing 737 Max is an excellent example as well. If I can recognize that they are setting up a scenario wherein they are analogous to a man who is standing on a ladder and is willing to put a noose around his neck. WTF are they thinking?

    Remington basically shit in their own mess kit.

  9. Remington used an ad for the Bushmaster that said, “Consider your man card reissued”, if male validation was the goal, that money would have been better spent on a set of weights or updating his wardrobe.

  10. The fucking two party clusterfuck is empowering criminals and illegals more and more on a yearly basis. No one should every give up their fucking guns and ammo ever. At this rate, we will need it if for no other reason than to protect ourselves and our communities from the goddamn street scum that our government won’t deal with anymore.

  11. Take note everyone, Remington DID NOT SETTLE, their INSURANCE COMPANY SETTLED. They are paying. Remington did not want to settle but insurance did not want a long drawn out court battle.


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