Europe Can Thank Putin for Sparing Them Joy Behar’s Summer Vacation – IOTW Report

Europe Can Thank Putin for Sparing Them Joy Behar’s Summer Vacation

Fox News

It’s a frustrating thing about wars: In addition to death, destruction and displacement, there’s also disruption to your European vacation plans.

At least that’s how Joy Behar of “The View” saw things Thursday.

The show’s panelists were discussing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine when Behar said she feared yet another missed travel opportunity after two years of the coronavirus pandemic. More

16 Comments on Europe Can Thank Putin for Sparing Them Joy Behar’s Summer Vacation

  1. Libs singing their favorite tune: “hey, don’t forget about me.” Behar whining about not taking a vacation to Europe. Kerry complaining that climate change will take a backseat to war. Next it will be transgendered people bitching that having biological men in womens’ locker rooms has taken a back seat to death and destruction, or black activists worried about their claims of police actively hunting down and shooting black men will be pushed to the back page because of Ukraine.

    With libs, it’s all about them – and sometimes that leads to obvious and frequently hilarious results. Feminists and transgenders trying to reconcile the “me too” movement with allowing biological men in womens’ enclaves. Balancing increased crime in unban areas with defund the police policies. Liberalizing drug laws with an increase in overdose deaths. Punishing business and wondering where the jobs went. Libs each have their pet causes (which are frequently themselves), and anything that takes the spotlight away from them is bad.

    So, sorry about the Russian invasion into Ukraine (question – is this a minor or a major incursion, and can our fool-in-chief tell the difference?), but as a card-carrying prog it is inconvenient for my pet causes.

  2. Curiously, she’s had to postpone the trip for four years due to Chi-Vi.

    Some that has only been a “thing” for two years she must be prescient. I’d find a better use for such skills.

    FJB (in all it’s forms)

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