Video – Standing ovation as Zelensky tells European Parliament to ‘prove you are with’ Ukraine – IOTW Report

Video – Standing ovation as Zelensky tells European Parliament to ‘prove you are with’ Ukraine

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21 Comments on Video – Standing ovation as Zelensky tells European Parliament to ‘prove you are with’ Ukraine

  1. The halos around Zelensky’s head are getting more ornate every day. They’re starting to rival the early Obama halos. But I have to wonder of they’re halos of impending martyrdom for Zelensky, as the Euroglobs with clap like seals, but do nothing in the end. And neither will the posturing, impotent keyboard warriors typing feverishly here in America.

  2. We should have ignored all of this and left it between the two countries. Neither side is on the angels here. And few of the people in either country are devils.

    The excited media on all sides is pushing propaganda and public opinion. Every side-taker is an escalation. Sending arms by this or that country is crony payola going to some person.

    It’s not only wiping more important news under the radar, but with each rah-rah, heels get dug in, positions harden, we get closer and closer to making WWIII.

  3. Watch out for China –
    As Russia floods Ukraine with all their military will China take advantage of this and attack some region Russia currently controls along their shared border?

  4. The last few days all the talk has been of Putin going mad and with Condi Rice saying he’s not right, the US is going for Regime in Russia. They bated him into going into Ukraine with the push for Ukraine going to NATO/EU. They are trying to foster a regime change, just as the US did in Ukraine in 2014. The US created what Putin is today and the foreign policy with Russia since the USSR break up has been one of idiocy and isolated Russia from the West.

  5. As I’ve said before, the Ukraine IS Russia’s territory. Notice how Russia is not destroying the infrastructure …but “Ukrania” is. Curious.

    Vlad is just undoing the US/CIA coup that overthrew a legally elected government and replaced it with a neocon puppet regime.

    George Soros is supporting Ukraine, as is Joey and his deep state masters; choose your side wisely.

  6. @Jethro March 1, 2022 at 9:22 am

    > Watch out for China –
    > As Russia floods Ukraine with all their military will China take advantage of this and attack some region Russia currently controls along their shared border?

    Russia’s already on Lesbian Pædo Tranny World’s VERY naughty list. There’d be no reason for Russia to hold back (much), against Han lebensraum dreams.

    On the other hands, not attacking Russia, to achieve (some of) those dreams, leaves Lesbian Pædo Tranny World to answer “Do we want to deal with THIS? Too? Now?”.

  7. @Anonymous March 1, 2022 at 10:02 am

    > He is now our modern day Hitler. History is repeating itself.

    So Americans will, proudly, fling themselves into the maw of the Bolshevik idol? Harderer? Again?

    again. meh

  8. Trump asks, where the Ukraine, next to China? Aid gets out a trusted sharpie & draws a circle around the Ukraine. Donny understands sharpie drawing & circles real good, then says let me see that sharpie. Proceeds to pocket trusted sharpie & walks away.

  9. It’s just Ukraine not the Ukraine; if you’re gunna insist on trolling this site then excersise precision in your language because you sound retarded. Also your comment at large is stupid.

  10. Zelensky is calling for volunteers from other countries. He wants a modern version of the Lincoln Brigade to come to Ukraine and save his country from Putin’s army.

    I think it’s way too late for that. The west has known about the Russian build up for a long time and has done zilch to do anything about it. The UK PM said today that no British soldiers will be sent to Ukraine.

    As for volunteers from other countries, I don’t know how Russia would treat them if captured…maybe as mercenaries? The punishment could be severe. How you like digging holes in Siberia with your bare hands comrades?

    Whatever, if fools want to give up their lives for a lost cause, whose stopping them?

  11. @Anon

    “Putin will not stop. He is now our modern day Hitler. History is repeating itself. If you think this is still a joke, please keep laughing.”

    Well, it’s not exactly a Col. Blimp imperialist type laff-a-thon like the Falklands Islands war. But it’s still a joke on anyone who falls for the western media accounts of it, like Anon, who must be a sucker for everything he reads in the NYT or WaPo.

    By the way, it’s not history repeating itself. The aggression in eastern Europe this time is going from east to west Everything in history is unique, and always depends on circumstances, the actors involved, and other variables. Don’t you know that?


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