Manchin Tells Biden He Better Ramp Up Domestic Oil Production – IOTW Report

Manchin Tells Biden He Better Ramp Up Domestic Oil Production


The US has mostly followed the EU in its sanctions, but Biden has left one thing in Vladimir Putin’s pockets — American energy purchases. “It’s ridiculous, totally ridiculous,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) declared yesterday, that “we’re buying over 600,000 barrels a day of crude from Russia.” Manchin wants an immediate end to such purchases — and more importantly, an immediate plan to increase American production to return to self-sufficiency.

Any other policy would be “hypocritical,” Manchin warned:

21 Comments on Manchin Tells Biden He Better Ramp Up Domestic Oil Production

  1. My understanding is that we buy heavy Ural crude from them. The oil produced from fracking is light and can’t be refined into diesel. The Canadian oil that would have been in the Keystone pipeline is heavy. And we are currently buying a lot of Russian oil.

  2. All of we deplorables out here in small fringe minority country are LAUGHING OUT LOUD at this pathetic excuse for an administration buying product from the… enemy… and refusing to allow local production. No hiding the laughter behind our hands, just out and out guffaws from the gut at these sad sack pieces of dung who stole our election. Also, in other news, Jeffery Epstein (and his pimp) did not kill themselves, Jizzlane is not far behind. MacAfee also did not kill himself.

  3. Biden ends domestic production which drives up the price of oil. Russia now has the funds to buy weapons to invade Ukraine. The Ruskies will thanks Biden by destroying any evidence of Hunter/Joe corruption in Ukraine. Call me cynical, but I wouldn’t put it past pedo Joe to try and get Russia to go into Ukraine. He may be getting blackmailed by them so he fed the Chinese info about Ukraine joining NATO so that the Russians would invade and kill Biden’s blackmailers.

  4. “Oops, when thats stopped & they will be, you might not be makin so much fun at EV’s.”

    When the gas fields are shuttered under Joe’s Green New Deal how are you going to charge your EV? Park it in the sun and wait for it to charge up?

  5. Boy thats a big drive up, oil went up around the whole globe & thats all Bidens for he controls the oil market for the whooooooole world. You might believe that scat, we don’t.

  6. There are still peaking stations in the US that run on diesel (think a locomotive engine running a generator). There are also a lot of emergency diesel generator backups for emergency services like hospitals, radio/TV stations.

  7. Russia also sold 100 MILLION metric tons of coal to China.
    Must have been that new “green” coal.
    Hillary – Russia, Bidens – Ukraine
    Somebody is making money or it would be happening.

  8. Hey anonymous can’t think past the end of its nose:
    I have a gasoline-fired generating plant attached to my house, moron – it’s called a “Generator”.
    Works with LPG too.
    The good news is, sanctions against Russian petro products would hurt; over 40% of their exports.
    Bad news is, biden-invoked gas prices will get higher for everyone.


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