Biden Says Putin Attacked Ukraine Because of January 6th – IOTW Report

Biden Says Putin Attacked Ukraine Because of January 6th


For weeks, the world has been warned of Vladimir Putin’s plan to break up Ukraine and his desire to split up NATO. But on Thursday, President Joe Biden said the Russian president also aimed to “split up the United States.”

Biden also suggested that Putin was emboldened to invade Ukraine by the January 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol — not by Biden’s own missteps as president.

It was a surprising conclusion to a long speech, full of Biden’s usual verbal fumbles and oft-repeated phrases.

Here are Biden’s final statements to an audience in Superior, Wisconsin, as he claimed that “I was able — we were able to make sure we kept Europe united and the free world united.”


20 Comments on Biden Says Putin Attacked Ukraine Because of January 6th

  1. Putin invaded Ukraine because the United States was pushed out of the picture by an engineered, fraudulent election that installed a lame-brained, reckless, feckless, blustering, bragging, stumbling, bumbling, loathsome, amoral, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, mendacious, greedy, venal, obnoxious, filthy, horrible, vile, vulgar, demented, hypocritical, angry dope as President… like a toilet!

  2. Golly, I didn’t know that. Foolish me. I thought it was that wonderfully successful evacuation of all those Afghan men who were vetted by the Taliban for resettlement in America. Maybe, Vladimir Putin will straighten this out after he finishes dealing with the Ukrainian Insurrection.

  3. Immortal Fish MARCH 3, 2022 AT 10:11 AM
    Gosh. How much more BS can the Dhimmicrat base take?

    They seem not affected and happy since they’re ready to drop to their knees and suck putins koch!

  4. Mitch said it was because of Ghanistan. Both he and Joe are ignoring the shady shit that the estabs/deep state were doing in Ukraine for years, and the hubris of the Globalists believing they could re-order the world to suit their needs without consequence.

    What are their excuses going to be when China invades Taiwan?

  5. @Thirdtwin March 3, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    > the hubris of the Globalists believing they could re-order the world to suit their needs without consequence

    By “consequence”, do you mean one nephew writing another nephew a blank check? With “hoi polloi”‘s signature?

    Or do you mean one, Federal Reserve, Dollar?

  6. @Thirdtwin March 3, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    > What are their excuses going to be when China invades Taiwan?

    Hey, Alexa! Cue up, “How did The Free West roll back China, when they invaded Tibet?”. Then, “How did The Free West roll back China, when they invaded Hong Kong?”. And, “How did The Free West roll back China, when they invaded Macau?”.

    Alexa? Turn off track loop. Alexa?

  7. January 6th of what year?

    In 2022 Novak Djokovic’s Visa into Australia was cancelled.
    Putin must really like Tennis.
    Pissed off Serbia as well.


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