Dzhokar’s Appointment with the Executioner Is Back On – IOTW Report

Dzhokar’s Appointment with the Executioner Is Back On

Washington Examiner

The Supreme Court on Friday reinstated the death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, convicted in the 2013 attack that killed three people and left hundreds injured.

The vote was 6 to 3, with the liberal justices in dissent.

The Supreme Court reversed a decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit. In July, the panel agreed with Tsarnaev’s lawyers that the judge overseeing his 2015 trial did not adequately question potential jurors for bias in the case, which received massive publicity. More

19 Comments on Dzhokar’s Appointment with the Executioner Is Back On

  1. “I see a presidential pardon in his future.”

    Just means a bullet to the back of the head at a later date.

    He brought shame to his religion that he didn’t die in the attack.

  2. Don’t put him to sleep in a perpetual dirt nap, hang him, electrocute him in old Sparky, gas him in a gas chamber or better yet the guillotine or a firing squad using bullets dipped in pig fat because he’s a muzzie. And then throw his worthless body into a lime pit or vat of hydrochloric acid to dispose of it.

  3. Here’s my take on the death penalty.


    This musloid asshole should have been immediately taken out back and executed once he was found guilty. But no.

    This is what happens when lawyers and feckless pansies are allowed to run the judicial system.


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