Leftists Upset Their Favorite Dictator Told Putin to Wait Until After Olympics For Murders to Begin – IOTW Report

Leftists Upset Their Favorite Dictator Told Putin to Wait Until After Olympics For Murders to Begin

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: The New York Times broke the story and the Washington Post had it soon after, citing a “western intelligence report”, that the left’s favorite Dictator Xi Jinping met with Russian dictator Putin on February 4, and soon after came that flowery statement about how Russia and China were bestest friends forever with no limits, and NATO sucks. But now the lefty blogs and their legions of social media basement commandos and trolls are upset. But do you wonder why Hollywood has been so silent about Ukraine?? read more

6 Comments on Leftists Upset Their Favorite Dictator Told Putin to Wait Until After Olympics For Murders to Begin

  1. The picture shows Xi and Bixin are buds. Could be. We’ve seen the same kind of thing with other presidents, including Trump.

    But Biden looks more eager than Xi and is leaning forward. Xi looks like he’s backing up a bit, like Bixin has bad breath. That could be too.

  2. What in the hell are you lyin sbout? Nixon was the one who wanted trade with China, Republican loved & still love CHINA! Every republican President after Nixon pushed more trade with China, encluding Reagan.
    Eat shit you lyin sack of crap, dirtbag lowlife.

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