Marquette University Replaces Their Namesake with Three Stalks of Wild Rice – IOTW Report

Marquette University Replaces Their Namesake with Three Stalks of Wild Rice

Red State

Jacques Marquette [a catholic priest] and Louis Jolliet are credited with being the first explorers to map the Northern reaches of the Mississippi River in 1673. Marquette also has a catholic university in Milwaukee named after him. Now after years of grips about how Marquette’s image has been emblazoned on the schools seal, he and the Indian paddling his canoe, have both been removed in favor of three stalks of wild rice. More

14 Comments on Marquette University Replaces Their Namesake with Three Stalks of Wild Rice

  1. Personally, I’m OK with the French, whether Canadians or European.

    And I certainly respect the French-Canadian explorers that travelled to the west and made many discoveries, the Missouri River one of them, I think.

    When I was a kid growing up near Toronto, the CBC had a series called Radisson, a real explorer in the 17th century. He had a sidekick name Groseliers. It was a sort of Canadian version of Daniel Boone. The teachers at my school (mostly very good teachers) said if we could not pronounce the names correctly, just call them Radishes and Gooseberries.

  2. I like the Cajuns, historically rejected by Canada for not signing up to the Queen bullshit. They brought us a great culture of cuisine, music, and tough SOBs.

  3. @Fritz

    The Acadians/Cajuns have descendants in the Canadian Province of New Brunswick, mostly on its eastern shore. Moncton is the non-official capital. Apparently, The British did not capture all of them to ship to Louisiana.

    Their economy seems to be based mostly on lobster fishing and other types of seafood. I guess that’s similar to their Cajun cousins.

  4. three stalks of wild rice??? … well, at least they didn’t change the name to ‘Uncle Ben’ University

    hmmm, UBU … gotta nice ring to it, don’t it?

  5. Contrary to the stereotype of the 20th Century French, France in the 1500s was a cauldron of tough mofos as were everyone around them. You read about the times and it seems like everyone was at war 24/7/365.

    The French had control of more territory than anyone in North America for over a century. The Ohio Valley and up into Canada and down to the Gulf were their stomping grounds. It wasn’t until almost the American Revolution before they were essentially defeated.

  6. So, what’s with the rice?
    Homage to the chinks?
    Or “Your indoctrination from Marquette isn’t worth a cup of rice!”
    Sell your soul to Satan for a lousy, worthless diploma.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. My Kid goes to “Queens” University in Ontario.

    Luckily, If they make it Politically Correct, and ditch the Queen of England all they need to do is buy a Freddie Mercury Statue and keep the mane the same.

    And all My T-Shirts are still Good!

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