Christie Torches Libs on ABC Panel for Blaming Trump for Ukraine – IOTW Report

Christie Torches Libs on ABC Panel for Blaming Trump for Ukraine


Anchor George Stephanopoulos started off the firestorm by asking Christie if there’s anything Biden could’ve done short of “imposing a no-fly zone over Ukraine” that would’ve prevented Russian President Vladimir Putin from invading. Christie argued that if Biden had “aggressively armed Ukraine” from day one in office by continuing “the Trump policy” of providing arms, Russia never would’ve invaded. 

Bringing up Trump clearly triggered the libs on the ABC panel, because you could hear instant shouting at Christie. Chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl instantly scoffed at Christie’s suggestion that Trump had armed Ukraine, huffing “Trump is the one who brow-beated Zelenskyy and held back the javelins that Congress had voted to supply him with.” 

Christie firmly replied that the “Ukrainians were arm armed” under Trump, “and in January of 2021, Joe Biden stopped that policy” Christie added. He also reminded the liberal panel that Biden “reversed domestic oil production policy” and “just in North Dakota alone, half a billion barrels a day reduced because Biden prevented us from taking it out of Federal lands. We import half a billion barrels a day from Russia. We could stop paying blood money to Russia to fund this war if we would increase domestic oil production.”

59 Comments on Christie Torches Libs on ABC Panel for Blaming Trump for Ukraine

  1. I am partially in agreement with Chris here. We all know, at least most of us, that Zelenskyy is a bad actor. That does not give Russia a blank check to invade. However, it does temper the “arm them with everything”. It does bring up the point that Mr. Christie made: President Trump did give them some arms. Joey rescinded that.

    Those facts do not make up for Joey B and the dems giving Ukraine a few million after the invasion.

    Queue Jackass Anon meaningless response about Donnie.

  2. Let’s identify the players correctly. These aren’t Libs. This is the enemy that 70 years ago would be known as Tokyo Rose, pushing an agenda of propaganda and disinformation at every opportunity behind a smoke screen of ginned up, fabricated crises such as “Climate Change”

  3. I’m from NJ and I could not care less if Chris Christie makes a good point on enemy tv. The viewers may not distrust him as much as I, but they didn’t vote for him like I did and watch him embrace Obama and sell out Trump. F- him.

  4. Thank you BFH for posting this. As a NJ resident, I don’t watch propaganda tv. I didn’t know that the great white whale of NJ landed a TV spot. Did anyone notice how small the chair seemed under his ass?

  5. “Lets get this right, right now! You guys support Russia. So fuck off & STFU”

    Nothing saner than going on someone elses website to tell everyone to shut up.

    I should report you to God King Putin for your insolence.

  6. I just have to point out that several seconds into the interview posted above is a quick side-angle shot of Christie’s fat ass spilling over the chair. Did they purposely fat shame him? I think they purposely placed him on the end seat looking for that shot.

  7. Hey jackasses, as we speak, more US planes are going to the Ukraine, so if you support Russia, the rest of of TRUE AMERICANS do not! Heil Hitlter comrades.

  8. Senile President, stolen election, leftists mishandling the situation with virtue signaling and chickenhawk jingoism… kind of reminds one of a similar situation less the senility in the early 1960s.

  9. You should have a cup of tea, anon, you seem worked up. True victors have no need to turn feral.

    Find the articles that disprove bioweapons labs in Ukraine. That’s how you win. What you’re doing now is like when a fat guy in a bar gets all drunk and confused and can’t figure out pool cues work.

  10. Anytime Christie wants to poke the Progtards with a sharp stick it’s okay by me and it isn’t costing me a dime. Doesn’t make me trust him at all. He’s got his own agenda and it’s not the people of his state or this nation, but you can count on one hand the number of congress members who are.

  11. A-J

    Use your words sunshine like a big boy. Like Joey. And you will get some ice cream. Chocolate chocolate chip, just like the bed pisser in chief.

  12. Spelling on me?
    You niggas can’t even spell for free
    I’m the young playa’
    got you hoes on lock
    if you Joe Biden
    you can suck my cock.
    How many keyboard warriors gonna go Ukraine?
    All dem crazy niggas are acting insane.

    I’m the Kid Cuda
    you the ass rulah
    I be dancing in the spotlight
    while you be stalled at the stoplight

    I get my logic up
    you just be Honey nut

    Don’t bring your trash talk inside my arena
    anytime you come at me know that you be dreamin

    Ching chong Chinaman open up your eyes
    you be eating up your ramen, season it with lies

  13. Hey, I just did a “bio weapons labs in the Ukraine” duckduckgo search.
    Russian misinformation campaign, so not so nice try, anybody can see thru crap lies like this!

  14. Anon thinks sudden articles claiming bio weapons labs don’t exist is a fact and not propaganda since the weapons labs in question have been there since 2014-2016.

    It’s like these people don’t remember Georgia or the last Ukraine dust up. Why so spazzy now? Couldn’t be tanking poll numbers and a covid agenda that’s blowing up in puddin’ heads face, now could it?

    Anons so mad at Putin, why aren’t they assassinating him? Our side are the ones saying NO WAR and the shit bird crazy left are all gay for WW3.

    Go figure.

  15. There is the Jackass Anon I was waiting for. Meaningless ad hominem attacks and no actual thought. Let’s just go back into history and pick arbitrary facts and blame it on the right. Ignore what is actually happening now or provide any solutions. “Well, what has your side done?” As if the right side could actually do anything since his side has all of the power.
    Oh wait, Donnie is still alive, it must be his fault, even though President DJT has had no official power for more than a year. Rent Free?

  16. “…stirinshitpot, oh please don’t hurt me, wah wah wah, fockn slimbag…”

    Oww, ouch! A mortal blow. Anon your words are a lethal weapon. You really should consider getting into politics.

  17. Hey anon, thanks for stepping up your game tonight. You’ve provided a lot of entertainment for us. It’s fun to play with trolls who are willing to play.

  18. I’m sorry guys I’m just having trouble figuring out what to identify as and mom is going to make me move out of the basement! And I’m not a good person when I forget to take my meds regularly.

  19. When Christie asked a companion if he was fat, the guy answered, “I know 5 fat people and you’re 4 of them.”

    Sorry, must be off my meds, you know, like Annon.

  20. Jackass anon – when I was a college professor, I told my students to think for themselves, even if they disagreed. I never penalized any of them who disagreed.
    I am guessing that your instructors either didn’t give you that option, or you just accepted the kool-aid. Am I right?

    Or are you sitting in your mommies basement playing video games? I know what my bet is on. Rage quit often?

  21. Same Chris Christie who attacked Trump, blamed him for Januray 6th.
    It is on video.
    He is a RINO puke.
    He can take his opinion and shove it up his fat backside.

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