Canada: Trudeau carbon tax theft will make it worse – IOTW Report

Canada: Trudeau carbon tax theft will make it worse

Blazing Cat Fur: Gas prices in the GTA will ‘surge’ past $2 a litre in coming weeks as oil approaches US $150 a barrel: Trudeau carbon tax theft will make it worse.

Gas prices in the GTA have went up a staggering 25 cents per litre over the last week but one industry analyst is warning that this may be the “calm before the storm” amid ongoing geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe.

The average price of a litre of fuel in the GTA has already risen from $1.58.9 to $184.9 since last Monday. MORE

9 Comments on Canada: Trudeau carbon tax theft will make it worse

  1. Here’s an exercise in futility; which leader is screwing over his “people” worse, Princess Castro or Plugs Biden?

    We both have found ourselves bent over a table wearing a ball gag and taking it balls deep, but there are definable categories, clear-cut delineations of awfulness that can be measured.

    Who is the most woke?
    Who is the least able to discern the obvious?
    Who is more ashamed of his whiteness?
    Who has more disregard for basic civil liberties?
    Who is more of a slave to the climate Nazis?
    And who is the more cowardly, less confident, more prone to pander?

    Once you have immersed yourself in this pointless pursuit, now factor in somebody who is probably worse than both of these clowns, Jacinda Ardern.

  2. Yup Bill, it does seem like theft. I had to look up GTA, went through page after page of Grand Theft Auto, added “Canada” to search, resulted in Greater Toronto Area. TMATDFFS (too many acronyms these days)

  3. Hmmm … seem to be a lot of similarities …

    We know what changed here in the US of A, we allowed a phony election to saddle us with a treasonous usurper – but WTF happened in Canukistan – they’ve had that maggot for years?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The Russians should assassinate
    ” LILLY – Putin ”
    for the obvious reason of avoiding
    their self-annihilation in following
    that jerk.

    Canadians should start thinking the
    same way to avoid the destruction of
    their own country by this criminal
    vile ignorant jerk.

  5. Terrorist Trudeau is Soros-owned and was able to reach “globalist” status only by prostituting himself to the globalist financier fiend. The same goes for sinister globalists Putin and Zelensky who have partly “achieved” the globalist/deep state plan of war and disabling and disarming citizenry, as seen with the Joe Biden character, by overpricing fuel/gasoline and withholding grain foods, among other things.

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