Plan To Provide Ukraine With Soviet-Era Jets Not to “Happen Anytime Soon” – IOTW Report

Plan To Provide Ukraine With Soviet-Era Jets Not to “Happen Anytime Soon”

NBC News

A proposal to provide Ukraine with Soviet-era fighter jets via Poland is struggling to gain traction in the Biden administration, though the U.S. is reviewing whether the plan is feasible, according to three American officials.

Allied efforts to help Kyiv obtain fighter jets from its Eastern European neighbors have resulted in a proposal where Poland would send Ukraine its old Russian-made MiG fighters and the U.S. would replace those planes by sending F-16 jets to Warsaw.

At this point, though, U.S. officials caution that enacting such a plan is not expected to happen any time soon.

“It’s a lot easier to give hand-held weapons than it is to transfer a plane,” one source familiar with the discussions told NBC News on Monday. More

Another problem, what airfield would the Ukrainian MiGs fly from? Ukraine’s neighbors and NATO members can’t host them (without risking retaliation from Russia) and what military airfields does Ukraine even control or much less operate anymore? Here

20 Comments on Plan To Provide Ukraine With Soviet-Era Jets Not to “Happen Anytime Soon”

  1. Why doesn’t Brandon just get Hunter to fix this mess?
    He’s pals with the Ukrainians, the Russians, and the Chinese.
    Imagine the Nobel Peace Prize going to Hunter!

  2. Hey Ukraine, this is what you get with NATO membership: castoff, obsolete Soviet equipment. But at least you’ll be getting cutting-edge missiles installed in your farmlent. Or maybe you’ll be getting some surplus V-2’s. Who knows what NATO will scrounge up for you.

  3. Quite sad though that the One Of A Kind AN-225 was destroyed a few days ago.
    I deserved a better, more purposeful death.
    It could have taken a huge number of civilians to temporary safety.

  4. Please hold this cockamamie plan in abeyance until I can get my fallout shelter stocked for a couple of decades of habitation. This news is going to make Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper’s day!

  5. “…such a plan is not expected to happen any time soon…”

    Of course not. Not until all the evidence against Brandon, and any witnesses in Kiev are eliminated.

  6. 48 F-16’s are already in Poland’s Air force.
    18 – SU-22
    23 – Mig-29 89 – total
    (32 – F-35 on order)

    They really don’t have much to spare and giving them to the Ukraine is not wise at this point.

    For comparisons, Canada has a small air force of 103 – F-18 variants (old)

    Both Countries have populations of 38 million people.

  7. Kcir – Canadian Joker, Eh! MARCH 8, 2022 AT 12:14 PM: Our (Canadian) jets are down right now, they are being retrofitted with wind mills,solar panels and rainbow flags. Oh and supplied with vegan MRE’s

  8. @Cynic March 8, 2022 at 11:15 am

    > Keep the West out of this. Ukraine is a corrupt mess. No need for good men to die trying to save corruption.

    That is exactly why The Free West needs to save Ukraine’s lesbo, pædo, tranny regime.

    There are no good men (of any genders) serving the corrupt lesbo, pædo, tranny Free West.

    It’s a shame that Russia has to take the hit. Doing the job that men (of only one gender) of The Free West should do. To clean up the obscenities they worship. But better somebody do it.

  9. @ Left Coast Dan MARCH 8, 2022 AT 11:37 AM

    Why should Hunter have to end the fighting quickly? Why are you picking on him? He is just as qualified to get the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing as Obola was.

  10. Kcir – Canadian Joker, Eh!
    MARCH 8, 2022 AT 11:06 AM
    “How about a Stealthy Sopwith Camel?
    An environmentally Friendly Havilland Mosquito?”

    …I’m guessing the Sopwith Camel stealth reference is about its cloth and wood hull offering no real radar return, its small engine having a negligible heat sugnature, and it being impossible for jets to slow down enough to engage it at its normal cruise speed.

    The only thing I can think about the Mossy being environmentally freindly is that it was a wooden hulled craft, rare in WWII bombers.

  11. Air forces are useless without ground support, a fact the Russians know well.

    After all, they did make the then vaunted Luftwaffe a non-factor at Staligrad and beyond by simply destroying their bases as they tried to extend into Russia.

    And you could ask the Japanese pilots of the Marinanas Turkey Shoot fame how well it works out when you dispatch clouds of aircraft flown by lightly trained pilots of no experience if they hadn’t all been killed in that engagement.

    You know, like the Ukrainians would be.

  12. It takes dozens of well trained men and sophisticated tools to keep a warplane flying. If they fly in from Poland or Moldavia, they will have to fly back to those countries to rearm and refuel, since the Russians have destroyed all of Ukrainian airbases. Are you really ready for some nuclear football?

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