Europeans Panicking About Nuclear Bombs – IOTW Report

Europeans Panicking About Nuclear Bombs

15 Comments on Europeans Panicking About Nuclear Bombs

  1. All men die, whether at pain or ay peace.

    Does it really matter if we go one by one or all in a bunch?

    Doesn’t sound very pleasant by Hiroshima standards, true, but they’ve improved them quite a bit since then.

    Now you won’t hear the whole explosion, its just BOO*dead*OOOM.

    ..but, if you want coming attractions from the periphery, enjoy…

  2. Stupid Europeans. Most salt has iodine added to it so if they had an American diet instead of a Mediterranean, healthy diet you wouldn’t need to buy iodine pills.

  3. Eurowimps. Hey, stand up and take it, chicken gutted cryin’ Euroweenies. Youse peoples are scared of everything. Y’all need an attitude adjustment anyways.

    (I’m just kidding, sort of).

  4. Europe lived under the Strategic Air Command nuclear umbrella all through the Cold War and let Americans pay for it all while they looked down their noses and ate cheese. Screw the Europeans.

  5. “Does it really matter if we go one by one or all in a bunch?”


    Like….all of you and several hundred endangered species before me.

  6. Panicked over the Covid hoax now panicking over a nuke hoax?
    Or are they doing a simultaneous panic?

    Sooner or later there’s gonna be something serious to worry about.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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