Hillary Clinton Says No to 2024 Presidential Bid – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Says No to 2024 Presidential Bid

MSN: Hillary Clinton is disappointing some politically active people. And it’s not just her supporters.

The political figure the right wing loves to hate made it very clear Tuesday morning that she is absolutely not running for president again. That’s a minor blow for the part of the Democratic base that wants her to make another try, but it’s a bigger blow for Republicans who have raised a great deal of money over the years by warning GOPers of the specter of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

“No, no,” the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and former secretary of state said with a laugh during a “Morning Joe” interview Tuesday morning, when Clinton was interviewed to honor International Women’s Day

“But I am certainly going to be active in supporting women running for office and other candidates who I think should be reelected or elected, both women and men,” Clinton said.

“There’s a big debate going on about the future of democracy,” along with talk about the economy, climate change, health and other issues, Clinton added. “I will stay active in all those debates.”

Clinton was speaking from Abu Dhabi, where she is the headline speaker at the Forbes 30/50 Summit to celebrate International Women’s Day. Clinton was receiving a lifetime achievement award at the event. more

31 Comments on Hillary Clinton Says No to 2024 Presidential Bid

  1. A nuther “I’ll believe it when I see it” moment.

    I mean, I’d really like to think people are getting tired of the entire cast of Cocoon running things in this country, but I seriously doubt her ambitions have cooled off.

  2. Last month it was black history month
    This month it is women’s history month
    Who gives a rats behind? 🤔
    It’s all propaganda

    Besides I’d like to see a man’s history month
    Can you imagine the outrage from the feminist, lesbos and all the other bleeding hearts? 😂😂

    Besides don’t think for one minute she won’t be given a platform to continue to bust Trump’s balls.

  3. What a miserable, ungrateful, Chardonnay glugging, Russian Vodka shooting, lying, cheating bitch! Doesn’t she care about the thousands of Macedonian Content Farmers who were depending on President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton running for President again? Is Special Counsel John Durham knock, knock, knocking on that Chappaqua door?

  4. She will not put herself forward, but if the people come to her begging for her wisdom and leadership she will, in all humility, graciously accept the nomination.

  5. They all need to go, the Clinton’s, Cuomo’s, Bushes and Kennedy’s. I’ve heard these names for far too long. It all spells trouble.

    Say your prayers everyday!!

    God Bless us all!

  6. She is announcing she won’t run so she can claim humility when the Democrat masses call in unison for her to be the nominee. “Gee, I didn’t want to run, but the public have spoken so I must run to follow their wishes. I have to sacrifice and do what they want to be a true servant of the people”. Wrong, old hag. You are a servant of Satan.

  7. The Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, and few other demcorats have unusual lust for power. The Clitnons take that to a whole new level. They are psychopathic. When Hillary says she is not running, you can bet she is, or doing something to get into power in DC again.
    This is the same woman who thought it was her turn, set the country on fire since 2015, spreading lies and hoaxes because she could not handle losing to a non-politician.
    You bet she either would run or run a puppet who would give her power.

    Tim Allen said it.
    “Whereas the Clintons are like herpes. Just when you think they’re gone, they show up again.” – Tim Allen.

  8. Not only has Hillary said it before, that’s a crap article.
    Oooo. Bad news for Republicans who raise money on the prospect of Hillary running.
    The majority of R voters are Trump supporters and supporters of candidates and office holders who keep their word and shun the swamp.

  9. There’s a big debate going on about the future of democracy

    No. There’s not. There is no debate.

    There are those that want homosexuals, lesbians, pædophiles, and transexuals, to rule their victims. By the loyal force of steel. Wielded by those who insist, “I’m one of you. Not them. I’m the Good guys!”.

    And there are the rest.

    Democracy — and the Republics, which lie for it — is rule by homosexuals, lesbians, pædophiles, and transexuals.

    No debate is tolerated. Disagreement is Intolerance. Refusal is treason.

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