Cuomo Blames ‘Cancel Culture’ for Forced Resignation While Visiting Brooklyn Church – IOTW Report

Cuomo Blames ‘Cancel Culture’ for Forced Resignation While Visiting Brooklyn Church

Tatum Report: Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is maintaining that he did not violate the law despite being forced to step down from his position last summer. The Washington Examiner reports, Cuomo recently told members of a Brooklyn church, “As you probably know, I’ve gone through a difficult period the past few months. I resigned as governor. The press roasted me. My colleagues were ridiculed. My brother was fired. It was ugly. It was one of the roughest times of my life.” read more

10 Comments on Cuomo Blames ‘Cancel Culture’ for Forced Resignation While Visiting Brooklyn Church

  1. …y’know, Mario, it’s not like the info hasn’t been out there for several hundred years…

    “like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children,”

    -Jacques Mallet du Pan, 1793

    …ask Robespierre how THAT works.

    It’s as old as Man.

    What YOU take by force, by coercion, by tearing down another, OTHERS will consider that to mean it’s OK to take if from YOU the same way.

    Live by the Woke, die by the Woke, to update an old saying.

    Democrats drop their tools when they’re done with them.

    You’ve been expended and are of no further use to them.

    Take the hint, or Hillary may send some guys around to inquire about your health…

  2. Like aging rock stars, the only way ugly old guys like Cuomo get the young chicks is by the power they wield. Once they are dethroned, they have no more sex appeal. So to feed their addiction, they need to get back into the arena.

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