Congressional Candidate Threatens Career of Police Officer When He Gets Pulled Over For Speeding and Texting While Driving – IOTW Report

Congressional Candidate Threatens Career of Police Officer When He Gets Pulled Over For Speeding and Texting While Driving

What a colossal full colostomy bag this douche is.

He just can’t wrap his head around why he can’t be allowed to break the law. He calls it “getting the respect I deserve.”

He questions the officer’s nationality, says he drives a $150,000 car, and pulls the ol’ “do you know who I am?” routine.

He requests a supervisor, who sucks up to him, but in the ned, he doesn’t “end her 7 year career.”

Apology video below.

ht/ c. steven tucker

21 Comments on Congressional Candidate Threatens Career of Police Officer When He Gets Pulled Over For Speeding and Texting While Driving

  1. He wants to MAKE the laws and also BREAK those same laws?
    Sorry, sonny soyboi, you ain’t THAT special.

  2. The candidate’s neighbors may be charmed by his foreign accent but his fellow Brits might call him a wanker. Since this traffic stop occured on St. Valentine’s Day am hopeful that the officer was at least showered with kisses by her doggy when she returned home after work

  3. If he is a Republican, then I’m all for hanging him in the public square. It’s hard enough to fight the evil on the left already without it living in your own house.

    This guy should never be anywhere near a lever of power.

    Praying his political career is over and he finds Jesus.

    Because he certainly is no friend of Jesus. His actions and attitude broadcast that.

    He’s a selfish power-tripping moron.

  4. Ferd Berfle
    MARCH 9, 2022 AT 12:17 PM
    “The majority of “local” politicians I’ve run into are just like this…”

    …my dad was a councilman and Vice Mayor in our little Fisher Price Village for a few years, and HE never got like that. Mostly, he got into it because City services like snowplowing sucked on our side of town, away from all the businesses and City Hall, and there wasn’t any representation there until he got elected (all seats were “At Large” at the time).

    I won’t say that snowplowing didn’t improve after he got in, because it certainly DID, but to the best of my knowledge that was the extent of his exerting authority. He just wasn’t the “Do You Know Who I Am” type, and even if he WAS, he was just a councilman so, so what?

    Not saying they didn’t have asshole council people, they certainly did, but the place was too small to REALLY make a pork laden career out of it, so most used it as a steppingstone to bigger things. But only a few did, or wanted to, and Dad wasn’t one of them.

    So it’s not really fair to say ALL local politicians are like that.

    Some just want to get the damn street plowed.

  5. While he is a jerkoff he did “apologize” He also went on Tuckers show, apologized again and admitted that he’s a loud mouth idiot and it would probably happen again…so at least he admits it

  6. Woman hater. Did he apologize face to face to her? I seriously doubt it. Bullies like him are just cowards. Guess he thought getting elected to public office makes bullying his right. Sort of sounds like our predatory congress.

  7. Ferd Berfle
    MARCH 9, 2022 AT 2:50 PM
    I didn’t say ALL. ”

    …you are correct. I apologize.

    I just see that a lot and I’m used to it being a universal assumption.

    Believe me, no one’s in a part time council job in Podunk to get rich and corrupt.

    And if they ARE, they REALLY suck at it.

  8. I tend to agree with Ferd Berfle. We had a city councilman who was exactly like that gas bag. Big, loud, belligerent, abusive, and ignorant. He’s dead now. I’d go piss on his grave, but I hate waiting in long lines.


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