“Sexy Summer Camp” For Kids – IOTW Report

“Sexy Summer Camp” For Kids


Pro-abortion activists are becoming more open and aggressive about pushing risky sexual behavior and abortions on younger and younger children.

Last summer, the Kentucky group Sexy Sex Ed even advertised a “Sexy Summer Camp” for children as young as 13, City Journal writer Christopher Rufo noticed this week.

Organized by a self-described “witch” and a college student who worked with Planned Parenthood, the camp advertised workshops on “self pleasure” (masturbation) and “self-managed abortions,” as well as “sex liberation,” “being a sex worker” and “BDSM,” including sadomasochism. One workshop described on the group’s website also promoted discussion about “sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs.”

On the group’s Facebook page, it welcomed campers ages 13 and up. However, its website says its programs are for “all ages.”


18 Comments on “Sexy Summer Camp” For Kids

  1. Shouldn’t all these “Sexy Summer Camp” organizers, workers, and funders be arrested for child porn and related charges?
    And if the Gooberment (in)Justice System is THAT broken that these people won’t be arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced………then it’s time for citizen justice.

  2. Big, big mistake to allow schools to “teach” so-called “sex education.” Basic biology, fine. “Sex education”? No. By allowing it, our society has ceded an important parental/family role to the gov’t. And we all know that once power is given over to the gov’t, it’ll take a war to get it back. Now schools are advocating what amounts to child sex abuse, grooming clients for Planned Parenthood, and driving a stake through the heart of the family by eradicating the bonds between parents and their children.

    Don’t EVER let your child even jokingly call you “parental unit.”

  3. “One time, at Band Camp, a witch showed me how to perform an abortion with a flute”.
    -Updated “American Pie” line.

    …oh, and also, killing pedos whp impregnate children and provide abortions for them is the only way to stop them.

    There’s a lot of them, many in government, some even pretending to be President.

    …the task never started takes the longest to finish, if you get my drift…

  4. Yeah… I saw this on the Quartering. (Jeremy’s site) The bios for these things was very disturbing, let alone the video. Holy cow! I keep asking… What the hell happened to keeping your PERSONAL lifestyle to yourself? Why must these weirdos push anything they do onto someone else, let alone children? Gosh, to be a parent today must be super challenging.

  5. The faggots will be crusin’ for a bruisin’ if the don’t rein this shit in. They think they have permission from government and corporate power to rape kids, but they don’t have permission from the people around them everyday.

    Faggots… Ruin… Everything.

  6. BTW, that fat, ugly degenerate cunt has no business lecturing anyone about what is a healthy lifestyle either physically nor psychologically. She’s a twist fucking whale who needs to be tossed from a high roof top.


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