Sean Penn, lol, is coordinating MIG-29 transfers – IOTW Report

Sean Penn, lol, is coordinating MIG-29 transfers

30 Comments on Sean Penn, lol, is coordinating MIG-29 transfers

  1. “Somewhere in the bureaucratic chain between our White House & the Polish Gov., the desperately NEEDED jets are not yet delivered to Ukraine”
    Gee Spicoli. Maybe too much weed. Haven’t you paid any attention? The US (Joey & Co) don’t want the planes to be transferred. They even sent that ace of foreign affairs (and all affairs) Kamala Ding Dong to Europe to express the nation’s disapproval of Poland taking on something that might actually help Ukraine.

    Now that I think about it, maybe you are more competent than the veep. Or maybe it is a race to the bottom. I cannot keep up with the incompetence

  2. With all the problems in Hollywood where they catch hell for miscasting parts with the wrong ethnicity and such, when they cast for the part of the retarded adult in the “I am Sam” movie, they took the safe route and hired Sean Penn so as to avoid controversy.

  3. WTF? Who elected or appointed this drunken, wife-beating sack of shit to make such deals? The US states not run by mad-hatter woketard assholes really need to do something.

  4. It is illegal for a private citizen to interfere with foreign policy, but the rule of law disappeared a long time ago. Can you imagine how quickly Merrilck Garland would have President Trump behind bars if he had made a similar phone call?

  5. grayjohn, because he’s making a documentary on this Ukraine/Russian conflict. Which documentary he started organizing for in NOVEMBER 2021.

    (We are so lied to and manipulated.)

  6. the nwo political class want to blow ukraine up sky high
    money laundering, human trafficking, crimes against humanity, et al.
    lots of very dirty/bloody hands
    where did fauci go

  7. He might be a lot more competent than Sleepy Joe. Unlike most of you, Penn realizes there’s a monster on the loose. Every other day the psycho threatens to destroy the planet, he’s caused apalling misery for millions and you’re all happy to pi$$ around dumping on Penn.


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