Homeland Security to Target “Extremism” – IOTW Report

Homeland Security to Target “Extremism”

Gateway Pundit

Now [Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro] Mayorkas is working on a very important project. Rather than shut down the border, Mayorkas released new rules on “extremism”.

The new guidelines on extremist behavior include those who question the fraud in the 2020 election and anyone who question the regime’s talking points on COVID and its treatments including the mandates. More

24 Comments on Homeland Security to Target “Extremism”

  1. If they pursue this it will push some conservatives, like me, over the edge. Last I heard 50% of the country thought the election was stolen. I hate this Cuban asshole. Is the first amendment dead?

  2. So… BLAMTIFA can burn down people’s lives, Fauci and the CDC and the WHO can kill millions, but people speaking the truth are extremists?


    5 by 5

  3. Homeland Security is going to target anything that
    the corrupt MSM and Biden adm. doesn’t currently
    agree with in direct violation of the first amendment
    which the smellocratic party hates.

    Criticism of TYRANNY is now going to be OUTLAWED
    in the USA ?
    Has anybody understood the CONSTITUUTION ?

    I fully realize dictates of the smellocratic
    party and what they are trying to drive this
    country into so that they will rule as

    Anybody who thinks this not happening is not AWAKE!

    And you can thank the
    SMELLOCRATIC party for looking out for you.

  4. Come get me. Actually you’ll see me on the road…..

    Wait a second, law enforcement already hassles me. Plus, I know most of the cops in my area. Should I update them on my newly acquired terrorist status?


    Tom: “does this mean you guys are gonna’ stop wearing your cuts in town?”


    Tom: “then it’s a Tuesday”

    I duuno’, maybe I’ll meet some more Federales. None of them have heard all my jokes already.

  5. Folks! A few civic words of advice:

    These are very dangerous and sick people who now are filling the ranks of the Democrat Party…and gubmint positions

    Beware! These type of people will eventually be found standing in your front lawn, staring at your house and yelling:

    “Stake Holders! Stake Holders! Sustainable Stake Holders! Sustainable Stake Holders!”………………..Sustainable! Sustainable! Sustainable! Climate Change! Climate Change! Climate Change!

    Terrorist! Terrorist! Terrorist! Racist! Racist! Racist!

    So…be sure your best buddies are your Sheriff and your next door neighbors.

  6. The election was stolen.
    China virus was used to grab power.
    The Clot shots are killers.
    The Skittles Mafia is ruining the military and embarrassing the country.
    Obiden is a puppet whose string pullers are traitors to the country and Constitution.
    Lt. Byrd is a murderer.
    God is greater than you.

    Let’s go Brandon

  7. KGB – Committee for State Security
    NKVD – People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs
    Cheka – All-Russian Extraordinary Commission
    RSD – Reich Security Service
    RSHA – Reich Security Main Office

    And we have the “Dept. of Homeland Security” which is trying to crush the Bill of Rights.

    Stalin and Hitler would be proud.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It’s beginning to sound a lot like East Germany.
    I’m thinking the government’s going to want to take some people that don’t want to fall in line camping.
    Hold it right there you! You’ve had too much to think.

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