Feminist Group’s Logo Taken Down For Hilarious Reason – IOTW Report

Feminist Group’s Logo Taken Down For Hilarious Reason

Blue State Conservative: Some things you simply cannot make up. If the Babylon Bee had produced a logo for a dyed-in-the-wool feminist organization and meant to subvert it, it could not have a done a better job. 

More than not being able to make it up, you have to wonder how this logo passed through each of the requisite stages for approval. Who ideated this? Who designed it? Who signed off on it? Who in the organization voted in favor? How did, at each step of the way, no one notice what we all see immediately.

Take a look for yourself. What do you see?

32 Comments on Feminist Group’s Logo Taken Down For Hilarious Reason

  1. Leftists of all stripes have this kind of problem. There’s some kind of mental deficiency associated with leftist ‘thinking’. In Seattle the leading leftist dolts named the local choo choo boondoggle the South Lake Union Trolley… giving not the slightest thought to the acronym which everyone gleefully adopted.

  2. Am I the only one who sees both the above-mentioned appendage and an elephant as well? I would think either of those should have disqualified it. Unless there is a mole inside trying to sabotage them.

  3. Too many Freudian slip ups to count in that image. Feminists are psychotics obsessed with genitalia. No wonder their new “logo” looks like porn or a feminine product ad.


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