She may just snatch Joe Biden’s crown – IOTW Report

She may just snatch Joe Biden’s crown

Just be careful not to pull out any plugs. Yeesh.

32 Comments on She may just snatch Joe Biden’s crown

  1. Sippin’ Coffee
    MARCH 21, 2022 AT 8:41 PM
    “Obviously, Willie Brown did not date her for conversation…”

    Well, no, since her mouth was full most of the time.

  2. Kind of surprised they don’t give out free Maui Wowie so everyone understands her even if she isn’t speaking.

    Heard a talk show on the radio today, and when the guest was admitting a fault of hers, she started giggling just like Kammy does when confronted with telling the truth.

    Good old nervous laugh when you want to lie to save face.

  3. Walter Johnson MARCH 21, 2022 AT 9:49 PM

    And the time is now, to do the things we have been doing….

    It was worse than that. You actually cleaned it up a bit. You left out the whole “possible” angle.

    Proving how hard it is to be as stupid as she is.

  4. I remember back in 2008, when the late night comedians made fun of Sarah Palin. They portrayed her as an airheaded bimbo. Of course, they had to twist her words to do so. Her saying you can see Russia from certain places in Alaska (true) got turned into, “I can see Russia from my house”. People thought that Sarah Palin had actually said this.

    Flash forward to now and we have a vice president who in actuality sucked dick and rode cock to advance her career and spouts such nonsensical word salad as this and it’s 🦗🦗🦗🦗 from the comedians.

  5. “Ti-iiii-iiii-ime is on my side, yes it is …”

    Puerile thoughts from an insipid mind.
    Or is it:
    Insipid thoughts from a puerile mind?

    What’s the significance, fetid Klammy? Splain it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Mao’s quotations: The Little Red Book
    Khaddaffi’s quotations: The Little Green Book
    Harris’s quotations: The Little Shit-Brown Book

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Commiela has been trained to sound pusedo-smart in the way you train a seal…

    She’s just smart enough to say words but she has no clue what they mean or how to form a cogent thought with them.

    I think between whatever drugs she takes and her basic laziness she must actually be borderline retarded.

    Her word salad is just a logic loop no matter what nonsense she spews on any given subject.

    “The importance of time (repeat) the importance of time is that time is important (repeat). Important enough for us to take the time to know how important it is.”

    She how that works for her?

    Pyschobabble is all she has, she is so imbecilic and vacuous. They do this because she can’t form an actual thought, just buying time and acting like she has one.

    “Inflation is bad because bad things happen from inflation,, we are concerned about inflation because inflation concerns us. So we must work everyday to work daily every day to keep inflation from being bad on a day to day basis.”

    They have trained her to just take whatever noun or verb is in a question and reoeat it inside a circular sentence structure usually while gestulating wildly as if her hands can interpret for us.

    What really is happening is that her mind is such a blank she’s using her hands as just another way to distract and buy time.

    She is a deeply stupid and incredibly lazy entitled worthless piece of shit.

  8. Think about this: whoever was instrumental in installing her as a viable VP choice – how stupid are THEY? Or, more accurately: how TREASONOUS are they?

  9. Kamala: Time….it’s a thing, you know. I mean, it’s not like a thing you can grab with your hand. Let me give you an example. Now Willie’s whanger was something that can be grabbed because it’s a real thing, you know. Time is not a real thing, just a thing. Try to grab time with your hand. Can’t do it, can you? Now, grab Willie’s whanger and you’ll see the difference right away. See, you can grab it easily. But not time. I kept trying to grab time till I met Willie, and he taught me what to grab and what not to grab. I don’t know why we can’t grab time, but I know Willie is a really smart man.

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