Lara Logan goes off in epic rant on Ukraine, citing ‘fake NGOs,’ Vindman, Hunter Biden, Romney’s son – IOTW Report

Lara Logan goes off in epic rant on Ukraine, citing ‘fake NGOs,’ Vindman, Hunter Biden, Romney’s son

BPR: Journalist Lara Logan appeared on the Cowboy Logic podcast and proceeded in an epic rant to expose Ukrainian connections involving those such as Sen. Mitt Romney’s son, retired Colonel Alexander Vindman, the country’s alleged ties to the occult, and its purported history involving the Nazis.

The wild ride highlighted her brutally honest and frank opinions concerning Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. She didn’t hold back and made one controversial statement after another, tearing into globalists and politicians alike during her rant.

Logan began by saying that “no one wants the people of Ukraine to suffer.” Having said that, she then got to the meat of her allegations charging that there are those here and abroad that want a bigger war and don’t want de-escalation of the conflict.

“Sure, there’s disinformation on both sides, no doubt. The Russians are good at it and so are we. However, there are certain things here that are true and we need to ask more questions about them. For example, when Putin says he’s going to rid the Ukrainian military of its Nazis and we all jump up and down and say, ‘Oh! My gosh! That’s not true because look at all the hundreds of thousands of Jewish victims of the Holocaust.’ Well, absolutely there were hundreds of thousands of Jewish victims of the Holocaust. And you know what? They weren’t just killed by Germans. A lot of them were killed by Ukrainians because western Ukraine backed the Nazis and was a headquarters of the Nazi SS,” Logan stated. read more

4 Comments on Lara Logan goes off in epic rant on Ukraine, citing ‘fake NGOs,’ Vindman, Hunter Biden, Romney’s son

  1. I think that Ukraines’ rising to the pinnacle of Inter-National Money Laundering has left the Russians in a snit, since they used to be the pre-eminent Inter-National Money Laundering outfit. We KNOW the corruption in Ukraine is wide and deep; and we KNOW that the Bidens, the Clintons, the Pelosis, the Romneys, and almost everybody else high up in the American gov’t is neck-deep in it.

    Russia wants to get back to being the Big Dog in corruption – not the outlier.
    Russia wants to run the Dark Banks for America, England, China, Euro-Zone, India, Africa, Central Asia, and the rest – Ukraine has horned in with a cheaper skim, apparently. Drugs (both Big Pharma and the Cartels), military hardware, slave labor, child-sex – all need Dark Banks in order to clean their money – and I believe that this is why we’re having a brouhaha over Ukraine.

    The Russian Mafia used to do it and then the Russian gov’t took over.
    Putin, being a former KGB guy, was probably as dirty as Bush, the former CIA guy, both of whose hands were bloody and dirty. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, &c., are the connectors to America’s high muckety-mucks, shitweasels, twatwaffles, thieves, liars, Politicians, Academics, and Media Moguls – including the Billionaires with their filthy child-sex-stained money.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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