The Meme is the “Current Thing” – IOTW Report

The Meme is the “Current Thing”


If you spend enough time observing the liberal hivemind, you know there’s something that unites the #Resistence, Black Lives Matter, transgender bathrooms, masking, vaccine mandates, mail-in voting, Anthony Fauci, and Volodymyr Zelensky, but it’s difficult to put your finger on it.

Well, now we have a way to describe it. All of those were, at some point, “The Current Thing.” More

8 Comments on The Meme is the “Current Thing”

  1. It’s easier to understand the freaks when you compare them to a gaggle of 15-year-old girls on tik-tok waiting for the next “challenge” to participate in, showing their friends that they are hip and “get it”. Plank, ice bucket, tide pod, new dances, It’s “Simon Says” all over again, and no good little automaton would refuse to join in.

  2. Makes sense, considering the 24 hr. news cycle and our 15 sec. attention span.
    We’re used to watching movies and video games that speed through their paces without any past or future.
    That same imbecility is now mushrooming onto international proportions.

    Our current denizens have no more grasp of reality than they do of their video games and movies – it’s all a swirl of motion and excitement without foundation or purpose.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. A lot of times the current thing is just the opposite of the previous thing, and sometimes is now racist, sexist, misogynist, or just “ist” like the thing that was popular prior to the last previous thing and before the current thing.

  4. Just about every living thing is programmed to fight adversity, in most cases as individuals.
    As humans we have improved our environment and circumstances as a collective group to remove almost all adversity we could encounter over many, many generations. In fact, life is so good for just about everyone in the Western World that the instinct to fight something isn’t really needed to sustain life, so it is directed at the easiest thing to address that doesn’t really take much effort, OR whatever our “betters” tell us to fight against….
    Most normal people can control the instinct or focus it toward self-education, hobbies or sports.
    Libtards can’t seem to turn that instinct off.

  5. That’s why I say we have no hope for change except by force. This country has been taken over by corrupt politicians for over 45 years. Everyone one that in government from the past 45 years has baggage. They all need to be put on trial and investigated.i do home work ….. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  6. repeated this ad infinitum here, these people that are currently vying to return us to the Stone Age have never progressed socially, academically, morally, responsibly beyond jr. high school (or middle school, if you prefer). they all want to aspire to prom queen &/or student council president, be in the ‘most popular’ group, wear the latest ‘fashion’, be trendy, be envied by all the kids that were not as ‘popular’

    almost fell for that back in 8th grade. the most popular girl in school (prom queen/student council prez … no kidding) took an interest in me … even got me to wear a madras shirt, white levis, burgundy socks & penny loafers … felt like an idiot … a used idiot … still, it got me on the yearbook cover … see how it works? I did. learned a lesson & never went back

    had a girl who once told me that “all the other girls were ‘wannabees’ … they all wanna be like me!” actually, it’s a very sad way to go through life. an absolutely stunted development … Biden has always been there. so have the rest of the Uniparty & all their minions

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