I’m Enjoying the Fact That This Tucker Carlson Clip IS ON TWITTER – IOTW Report

I’m Enjoying the Fact That This Tucker Carlson Clip IS ON TWITTER

The new CEO of Twitter is an ASSHOLE, and manages to be much worse than Jack Dorsey. That is a difficult feat, but Parag Agrawal has achieved it.

Watch this clip and try not to imagine crushing this dude’s larynx with a Lousiville Slugger. I’m not advocating violence, by the way, I am challenging you to not think violently while listening to this jerk’s “philosophy” on free speech.

I find it extremely curious, ironic, and infuriating that The Federalist has been flagged as violent and unsafe by Twitter, particularly when they first saw evidence of this after they published a piece on the Biden administration going after journalists.

The Federalist reported that they asked Twitter for an explanation as to why they started flagging their articles, but Twitter did not immediately respond. It seems that the warning links first appeared on The Federalist’s report about the Biden Department of Justice spying on journalists. – PM.

13 Comments on I’m Enjoying the Fact That This Tucker Carlson Clip IS ON TWITTER

  1. “We need to stop pretending biology isn’t real.”
    Just like the “Scoience” is what Fauci says it is.
    I still see people, alone in their car wearing a mask.
    What are the chances it is the mask that is making them sick?

  2. I’ve seen the depths of their censorship shit first hand.

    I had a FaceBook acct just so I could comment in the local paper of record. The News Tribune, which I always addressed as The News Buffoon. So a few years ago, all of a sudden the cause de’ jour became renaming Woodrow Wilson High School in Tacoma. With the champion of the cause being The News Buffoon’s Matt Driscol.

    Just to set the record straight I pointed out that IN FACT this was not the first time this had been brought to the District’s attention. I had been waging a decades long one man campaign to have this atrocity corrected AND I HAD THE EMAILS to The District, the Mayor, the entire City Council and last but not least Matt Driscol to prove it.

    Shazzam, and boom, done, gone my FaceBook acct was locked down tighter than a tick. When I got to the bottom of it FaceBook admitted that Matt Driscol had contacted them and had my acct locked down because I was posting disinformation. What I posted were the emails themselves. Period. Full stop.

    The bottom line is The District, local government, FaceBook and The News Buffon were KNOWINGLY publishing disinformation and that is a stone cold natural fact and unless America gets these abuses stopped the First Amendment doesn’t mean a thing.

  3. If you are only permitted hear one version of events, or one interpretation of facts, you have been dis or mis informed.

    Clever (not) how they pretend their actions and words do the opposite of their real – and intended – effects.

  4. Who are these nameless faceless jackasses who anonymously sit behind their computer screens deciding what Facebook subscribers get to hear and post? They need to be “Counseled.”

  5. “I still see people, alone in their car wearing a mask.”

    Saw at least 4 today. I thought it was funny that the guy working the drive through was mask-less and she’s all by herself in her car – protecting who, exactly? One of them was riding a motorcycle! Dude, get a face shield for your helmet. You’re a just a moron that’s virtue signaling when you do that. It’s like a lucky charm for them.

    My business P.O. box must be in lib central. I was the only one without a mask. The extremely hot chick said thank you as I held the door open for her but the cranky old lady scoffed when she saw me mask-less.

    I think the whole thing has morphed into a political statement or party identifier at this point.


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