‘No No No No No’: Biden’s Entourage Panics After He Arrives at NATO Summit and Has to Face Questions – IOTW Report

‘No No No No No’: Biden’s Entourage Panics After He Arrives at NATO Summit and Has to Face Questions

[Becker News] Joe Biden arrived in Brussels, Belgium on Thursday for a critical NATO summit. Reporters hurled questions at the president, who promptly ignored them. Watch:

18 Comments on ‘No No No No No’: Biden’s Entourage Panics After He Arrives at NATO Summit and Has to Face Questions

  1. Look at the way the Pedo shuffles along, almost lime a youug child.

    His tapioca brain is melting in real time. I cannot imagine the level of medications in his system.

    He is a tired, weak, and combative senile imbecile.

    We are in the very best of hands

  2. Look at the way the Pedo shuffles along, almost like a young child.

    His tapioca brain is melting in real time. I cannot imagine the level of medications in his system.

    He is a tired, weak, and combative senile imbecile.

    We are in the very best of hands

  3. Dementia Joe has that vacant, dead-eyed look you find in older patients in elder care facilities. He’ll be getting hospice care in the Wilmington Hideout before his stolen first term is finished.

  4. The man is demented. He snaps at the reporter asking how his weak sanctions are helping – the ones that came six months too late.
    Trump would be telling Putin that his 700 million dollar yacht docked in Italy looks nice. It would be a real shame if something happened to it.

  5. That’s why I say we have no hope for change except by force. This country has been taken over by corrupt politicians for over 45 years. Everyone one that in government from the past 45 years has baggage. They all need to be put on trial and investigated.i do home work ….. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  6. @TRF – he is a grinning imbecile except when he is an angry imbecile

    Either way, I speak for baby boomers who recognize that blank look, angry reactions and stupid grinning from dealing with our aged parents.

    We never thought they should be leader of the free world. God help us all.

  7. I an Just so happy the the Euro Parliament Blasted the Shit out of Motherfucker Turdeau.
    That was my High for the day!

    I’m sure by tomorrow there will be a few Biden gaffs to light up my Friday.

    Cheers, One more day till Friday.

  8. Stupid shit said we would respond to Russian use of chemical weapons “in kind”, Dumb fuck just said we would respond with chemical weapons we no longer possess.

    Someone better yank this imbecilic cocksucker off the world stage or we are gonna get nuked.

    He has more forgein policy experience that anyone there he brags then tells Putin we will react in kind…with weapons we DO NOT have.

    Where is Anondick to defend his Lord and Master? He has been really quiet for awhile. Can’t imagine why.

    Good Lord save us…

    We are doomed. This idiotic vegetable is going to start WW3.

  9. Hey admins! We have bots that are becoming liabilities around here. They’re on every post and they all start like they are provocateurs baiting the FBI

    “That’s why I say we have no hope for change except..”

    They have different names but the text is exactly the same.

    bohahen943 MARCH 24, 2022 AT 5:50 PM

    ^^^ Is one of them.

    A text search of it’s comment on will find them quickly.


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