Not That I GAS About Hollywood, But Will Smith Should Be Stripped Of His Oscar – IOTW Report

Not That I GAS About Hollywood, But Will Smith Should Be Stripped Of His Oscar

How do you reward an asshole, moments after he walked onstage and assaulted a comedian for telling a joke?

What is the message here? The left has no cohesive message for society, no moral backbone, no understanding of what is ethical. Right and wrong are interchangeable depending on who they need to defend and who to attack in order to keep political power and control.

60 Comments on Not That I GAS About Hollywood, But Will Smith Should Be Stripped Of His Oscar

  1. “…But Will Smith Should Be Stripped Of His Oscar”

    …I respectfully disagree.

    …not only should he KEEP his Oscar, he should get ANOTHER one for hitting another celebrity for real. In fact, start GIVING a special Oscar for “Best Public Celebrity Beating Onstage At The Oscars” and make them go full Thunderdome for it, DOUBLE Oscars if he’s knocked out, and TRIPLE if he’s killed, and QUADRUPLE if the killed guy is the kind that won’t otherwise shut up about “social justice” bullshit (pretty much all of them).

    …let them beat each other, there’s no wrong way to slap a celebrity and no wrong time to do it.

    When your enemy is busy destroying himself, don’t interfere.

  2. Smith has been swallowed by Leftist Hollywood; now he is a Snowflake, a fill-fledged member of Cancel Culture, and he has taken Censorship to the next level, which is physically assaulting someone simply for making a joke. Maybe this will push Chris Rock back into the Free Speech camp; one can only hope…

  3. Great Example.

    He will use the excuse that he was Method Acting and still in character.

    I’m further disgusted that Many actors there were consoling the 6’2″ after slapping an unprepared 5’8″ dipshit with his hands down.

    And you wonder why you can’t go to a McDonald’s in peace anymore.

  4. I’d call this another example of Ann Barnhardt’s Diabolical Narcissism – the need to show us that they are above the law.
    Also, note that Will Smith was laughing at the joke moments before slapping Chris Rock. And who slaps???

  5. As America descends into the Third World, and Third-worlders gradually dominate our culture and our politics, This sort of thing, like the thug Chicago Transit worker, will become the norm. The best we can do is stay out of the cities, and refuse to participate.

  6. Not that I care, haven’t watched this circus for decades.

    Funny but when the Oscars were predominantly white people, the jungle bullshit was non existent.

    I’ll note that I read Smith got an Oscar for portraying the William’s sister’s patriarch. I saw exactly what kind of racist “King Richard” was when I was in Melbourne for the 08 Australian Open. Because a couple matches went way over their anticipated time, officials asked Serena if she would play in the No. 2 court instead of Centre Court so that higher seeded(OMG!!!white) men could play there. The slurs and insults that poured out of the Williams’ camp from pops were disgusting.

    My life experience is that where ever there are blacks, there will be problems. Crowder ought to try that one at one of his Convince Me I’m Wrong card table discussions. Now? I avoid them like the plague.

  7. I’m of two minds. One the one hand, fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke (although joking about an individual’s illness isn’t cool. On the other hand, the world would be a much more polite place if more people got punched in the face more often.

  8. “Telling a joke about Smith’s wife” is not as accurate as “insulting his Smith’s wife”. I can’t really take issue with the husband smacking the jerk doing the insulting.

    In any case, it was a misdemeanor offense and Rock chose not to file a complaint, which was a surprising display of good judgment on his part.

    (No, I didn’t watch the Oscars show, but it was mighty hard to miss the dozens of online articles about the Smith/Rock farce.)

  9. …in all fairness though, my wife us about to undergo cancer threapy, still waiting on how intensive, but it is extremely likely her hair will fall out.

    And I WILL immediately beat the steaming fuck out of anyone who insults or mocks her over it.

    Some shit just isn’t fucking funny.

  10. A part I was unaware of it that Smith and Pinkett have an ‘open marriage’.
    So Will is okay with other guys banging his wife, but a hair joke is just too far.

  11. I guess I don’t understand how this Oscar thingy works! They gave a model of a naked man to a woman for pretending to be another woman! Why not just give it to the women she was pretending to be?

  12. Although Will Smith’s actions were clearly out of bounds of the Film Academy’s strict rules regarding conduct for those attending and participating in their awards show; and although there is no doubt as to what he did and said, all that will happen is some speculation about his Oscar being taken away and that will be that.

    We all know why.

    I saw some of the pics of women’s (and some men’s) Oscar attire on the red carpet. Many of them — too many of them — don’t know how to dress respectfully in public. It’s entirely appropriate that Hollywood is a Leftist institution.

  13. Chris, you got lucky. Be very careful what you say about a black man and his “wife”.

    Yeah, that’s right, Barky…quotation marks. What are you gonna do about it? Come down here and mic drop me? Maybe YOU should have been more careful with your jokes about Trump.

  14. Wile E. Smith sure pulled off doozy! None of the other Hollyweird narcissists’ at the manufactured for TV gala have been heard from since his slap heard round the world!

  15. You insult my wife , there’s a good chance my response would be the same . I was born and raised in Texas , where a woman , any woman, should never be insulted and repercussions were the duty of any man present . Heck even coarse language around women would be promptly corrected . Different place , different times I guess . If I made a crack about a man’s wife , not that I would , I’d expect a response similar to what Rock received .

  16. “Certain hairstyles such as braids and weaves may increase the risk of a irreversible type of baldness called Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA) that starts at the central part of the scalp and spreads out toward the edge of the hairline.”

    Ayana Pressley of The Squad is bald because of it. Probably a sensitive subject for black women, as they are the majority of sufferers of this type of hair loss, which is largely self-inflicted due to overly tight braids. It’d be like joking about how skinny Karen Carpenter was at the Grammys.

    If I, as an average white man, know this about alopecia, then Chris Rock should have known it.

  17. Some genius already did a detailed photo analysis of the “Sissy Smack” and it looks totally staged. If this was a ruse to get people talking about the Oscars, why make yourself look like the world’s biggest asshole no one wants to work with anymore? And notice Chris immediately blurted out a controlled narrative to the effect that him getting the “Sissy Smack” from Will Smith was the greatest moment in television history? Excuse me? One black man in a tux sissy slapping another black man in a tux doesn’t even come close to Oswald getting shot on live TV pal.

  18. WHAT!?!?!?!!
    No GoFundMe page for Chris Rock yet?
    What are people racist? ROTFLOL

    To Quote the world famous poets and philosophers, The “Gap Band” –
    Say oops upside your head say oops upside your head
    Say oops upside your head say oops upside your head
    Pay attention now
    Say oops upside your head say oops upside your head
    Say oops upside your head say oops upside your head
    Now I want all you gappers, and finger snappers
    You toe tappers and you love rappers

    Say oops upside your head say oops upside your head
    Say oops upside your head say oops upside your head

  19. “But when it comes to anything involving Sodowood, I’m rooting for… casualties.”

    Yes, and unless there’s arterial bleeding or brain matter it doesn’t count.

  20. “you can take the thug out of the ghetto, but you never can get the ghetto out of the thug.”

    LOL, you slap someone on the street and they’ll probably figure you’re a queen on the down low and just walk away laughing.

  21. It’s his true color shining through.
    It’s his true color and punk he bitch slapped you.
    Now you be glad, he din bring a gun for your true color your true color would be running out of you.

  22. It’s Amazing(TM)! Astonishing(TM)! Patriotic(TM)!

    What Conservative, Christian, Good, men (of every gender), think is important enough to shed somebody else’s blood over.

    And what’s not.

  23. It’s dey cultcha.
    SO MUCH talk about this, except for ANYONE saying that this incident makes black folk look bad. Don’t these two well-paid, fabulously wealthy, ‘celebrities’ stand as role models to many ?? (the stupid people yes, but still)

    So how come NO ONE is denouncing this uncivil behavior??
    Why isn’t Smith expected to walk out, or boycott, or demand an apology, vs resort to primate behavior? All black people can default to ghetto, at any chosen time, but I’m supposed to accept them as neighbors, let my children play with theirs, yada yada, jada, jada ….

    It would have been truly shocking if Sean Connery, or Kirk Douglas smacked someone wouldn’t it? But here, car accident yeah, but who can pretend this is shocking??

  24. Like everything on the left, I think this was staged. Or Chris is one tough cookie.

    He doesn’t back off, even though he says something like he knows Will is on the attack. He just stands there smiling. Holding to the mark on stage, that he is supposed to hold.

    Then the smack comes, looks like Will smacks his shoulder on the way to the face, which Chris turns following the hit.

    Chris doesn’t step back, sideways, bounce or anything and as he is looking at the floor after the smack, he’s still SMILING.

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