Richard Grenell and an ex-CIA officer clash over Hunter Biden laptop on Twitter – IOTW Report

Richard Grenell and an ex-CIA officer clash over Hunter Biden laptop on Twitter

NYP: The former head of US intelligence blasted one of the officials who signed the letter casting doubt on Hunter Biden’s laptop — calling him a lying “phony” and igniting a Twitter war over the weekend.

The spat erupted Saturday when Richard Grenell, the former Trump-appointed acting director of national intelligence, reacted to a post from John Sipher, who retired from the CIA in 2014, about ethical behavior among public servants.

“Didn’t @john_sipher sign a letter 3 weeks before the 2020 elections saying don’t look at Hunter Biden’s laptop because it’s Russian disinformation?” Grenell tweeted Saturday. “Now he’s lecturing people about ethical behavior?! These people have no shame….” more here

14 Comments on Richard Grenell and an ex-CIA officer clash over Hunter Biden laptop on Twitter

  1. “…a tweet that ​called for Republicans — if they take control of Congress this year — to revoke the security clearance of all former intelligence community members who signed the Biden letter…”

    …or cut their fat pensions? What’s it gonna be Towelie?

    “I choose…I choose…BOTH!!”

    Yeah, I know…”What are you smoking, Thirdtwin?”

  2. Why do “prior” intel officers……
    get to keep their clearances……????

    I might have had a clearance at one time……
    but when my “need to know” expired…..
    that clearance might have been pulled.

  3. Why does every picture Humper is shown in looks like he’s posing for a modeling job? I can only imagine what was going through the CIA’s head when looking at Humper’s laptop. I bet they had after hour parties jerking off to his hooker and orgies pics. They ALL knew it was the real deal, they were protecting Biden and they got caught.

  4. ed357, it is infuriating. Then they go into the private sector after they retire with their insane pensions and sell their Security Clearance for big money, without forfeiting their government pension, while the Average Joe gets penalized if he takes another job to make ends meet after retirement. Nice work, if you can get it.

  5. This John Sipher character was incensed that President Trump supposedly said he trusted Putin more than his own intelligence community. But 51 members of that community LIED about the Hunter laptop that they kept secret, and hid from the public when they knew it was real! So yeah, I don’t trust the intel community either.

  6. CIA’s had its own agenda since its inception – and not necessarily in America’s best interests. Sometimes the CIA’s and America’s interests paralleled, but mostly they diverged. A quick look at the liars and miscreants who’ve headed it shows the depth of corruption (NSA and FBI are no better).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. From its inception the CIA was a tool to inact the globalist agenda. It belongs to the cabal, not the US. Always has, always will.

    Always remember that the snakes that run America do not work for America. It begins to make more sense when you realize this is all deliberately planned and now being executed.

    They all work for Satan and the very few minions he actually put in charge of the Earth.

  8. Now he’s lecturing people about ethical behavior?! These people have no shame

    How could anybody, with even a hazy outline of ethics, with a penumbra of shame for violating those ethics, consider aiding and abetting the foreign occupiers of “their” land?

    They took the sack of silver, they were offered the sack of silver, because of who they, all, are.


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