Chuck Todd Needs A Hug – IOTW Report

Chuck Todd Needs A Hug

Every once in a while I hear NBC News’ “Meet the Press” program jokingly referred to as “Meet the Depressed,” and in my opinion that characterization was never more fitting than it was this past Sunday, when a panel of sullen-looking, liberally biased journalists and partisan commentators were hitting the panic button after a new NBC News poll was released that showed a bleak outlook for President Biden and Congressional Democrats headed into the 2022 midterms campaign season. more

9 Comments on Chuck Todd Needs A Hug

  1. Chuck Toad needs to get the job he is suited for: Service Advisor at a muffler shop.

    And even there, he should be closely supervised.

  2. They held off on the obvious and much-reported, stories until they couldn’t anymore. The pResident has been underwater in almost every poll for months. The congressional dems have been behind in the same polls.

    With various estimates widely varying between 10 and 50+ pickups by Republicans, I will guess at 25 – 30 (they only need 6 to take it back). The big question will be will they leave McCarthy in charge?

    As for the Senate, I cannot make a prediction. It is too close. On the bright side, we only need to pick up 1.

  3. Kcir
    MARCH 30, 2022 AT 2:13 PM
    “When its obvious…

    That comment was awesome.
    He actually does look like a guy that works at a muffler shop.”

    …I had a manager at the first Auto Center I worked in at K-Mart, and he seemed mostly sane until this one time when he couldn’t find his expensive graduation pen that he used for God knows what reason at work, after he lent it to a customer to sign a service order with.

    The ensuing screaming match and subsequent brawl were fully worthy of a Wal-Mart except for the race of the combatants, and we ended up with a new service manager and didn’t do that guy’s tires.

    …that’s the kind of muffer shop manager Chuck would be.


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