Bird Flu Reported in Iowa and Minnesota – IOTW Report

Bird Flu Reported in Iowa and Minnesota

Daily Caller

The latest outbreaks will require a total of over 1.5 million hens and turkeys to be killed, according to the Associated Press. One outbreak occurred at an egg-laying farm roughly 60 miles from Des Moines, where a majority of the birds that must be executed will be killed, the outlet reported. The other outbreak was identified at a turkey farm some 65 miles north of Iowa’s capital, with at least 28,000 birds there requiring execution, AP continued.

The bodies of the killed birds will likely be put in a compost pit on the farms that housed them, AP reported. More


A contagious variant of avian flu is being discovered in five Minnesota counties.  A commercial turkey farm in Meeker County has a majority of the affected birds with 289-thousand on site.  The smallest flock with the virus is a group of 17 backyard birds.  The Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Incident Management Team will head up control and containment of the virus.  Minnesota is the top turkey producing state in the nation with more than 40 million birds on over 660 farms. More

From the TV news reports I’ve seen out of Minnesota, they fear migratory birds are spreading it. – Dr. Tar

13 Comments on Bird Flu Reported in Iowa and Minnesota

  1. …seems like there’s been a lot of talk about a “more restrictive” pandemic lately, and an awful lot of interest in starving the non-compliant peasants, and a potentially troublesome election coming up.

    …this would appear to be the answer to all three of those Democrat issues, nicht wahr?

  2. Damn! I thought I heard a Tufted Titmouse sneeze the other day!
    Course, with the constant ringing in my head it could’ve been a Black-Capped Chickadee.
    Guess I oughta clean up the shotgun …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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